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Thread: Wendler's 5/3/1 vs. Texas Method

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Haha that coffee will be on. Can anyone show me a good template to start off with. I have SSPP 1st edition and it only gives examples for Squats and Presses. I'm about to buy the 2nd edition, is it anymore informative for the intermediate chapter. Also, how would accessory work go with this program.

    Thank you

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The Kingdom


    PPST2 does have a sample program in the back. This sample looks very much like SS in that it is built around the same core exercises. You deadlift on volume day (1 set of 5), chins/back extensions on recovery day, and PC on intensity day (I think 8 sets of 3). I'm actually starting Texas method tomorrow, after considering 5/3/1 as well. I'll get as much as I can out of TM before moving to 5/3/1. Both look like great programs to me.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    If you can handle it, the Texas Method will probably give you faster gains. 5/3/1's more versatile, though.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    I suggest doing TM first. If not, you will definetly regret it later. Milk all the linear progression you can.

  5. #15
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    St. Augustine, FL


    Quote Originally Posted by Smack View Post
    If you can handle it, the Texas Method will probably give you faster gains. 5/3/1's more versatile, though.
    In terms of absolute strength, TM will give better results much faster, period. You will have to change programming sooner than 5/3/1, but that just means you then get to do 5/3/1 .

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    North Jersey


    Thank You. I'm definitely going to start doing the Texas Method first. Would anyone be able to show me some sample TM template's they have done.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Does anyone know anything about Wendler's 5/3/1 for football?

    I'm not a football player, but I'm interested in how conditioning work is combined with the weight training. The texas method seems like it would offer faster strength progression, but it also looks like your body would fall apart if you tried to do conditioning work on top of that program.

  8. #18
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    There's lots of discussion of Texas method program templates in this forum. Try googling this for starters: Texas method check

  9. #19
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    I have the 5 3 1 football book and it is actually quite vague regarding conditioning, basically it says condition for a set time inteval and reduce time between sprints, hill running, prowler ect.. The other stuff about linear speed and medball stuff is quite specific but I don't think its necessary. The template for the off season, which I was interested in as I don't play sports had the imprssion that it was meant for high school kids- there is stacks of volume, mostly in the form of dips/pullups curls supersets 3-4 times a week. If you are doing 5 3 1 i would just buy the original manual as this has all the info and the templates and excersise selection bit is good.

  10. #20
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    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex Bond View Post
    I too found the volume day on TM to be unpleasant. What I am experimenting with right now is a modification that might work a little better:

    Day 1: Volume Upper Body
    Day 2: Max Lower
    Day 3: Rest
    Day 4: Max Upper
    Day 5: Rest
    Day 6: Volume Lower
    Day 7: Rest

    Yeah, I know it is not a "full body every time" thing, and that was tough to let go, but lots of lifters have been very successful with this kind of split, and it isn't like there's a dedicated arm day or anything like that. By splitting up the volume day, you can get it done in a reasonable amount of time, and can do some accessory stuff too. Each half has its own kind of TM stress-rest-test cycle going on - you have volume day, then a day where you do other stuff and a rest day, then intensity day. It's too early to say how well it will work compared to real TM, but so far I feel good and am making just as fast of progress as I would on TM. 5/3/1 wouldn't be enough time squatting for me and I don't like the idea of never doing sets across.
    There's nothing sacred about a full body vs. Split routine. You'll do well with this, I'm sure. Upper/lower splits are pretty much necessary for powerlifting at a certain point. The question I'd pose in general is what's the hurry? You will not stall nearly as quickly on 5/3/1 and will have more time for assistance or conditioning, if these things suit you. You can also focus on one thing at a time. After a limit 5x5 of squats a truly hard bench workout is hardly possible. Either way they are both solid ways to make progress and both will suit anyone who puts the effort in.

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