Did the vert jump program help? How many inches? (no homo)
i did a vert jump program pre-SS that had deads and squats that is why my squat is my most advanced lifts in terms of amount of weight it has increased over time.
so my plan is to use the simple TM template of Monday 5x5, Wednesday light, Friday heavy with my pressing movements following standard SS templates.
my main problem is regarding the pulls. i still think i can recover like a novice with my cleans and deadlifts and still BW chins. although now that i'm using TM on my squats, what do you guys think is the best way to schedule the cleans and deadlifts or maybe even chins with correspondence to the medium-light-heavy squat days for i am fearing that they may disrupt squatting recovery for the next workout.
Did the vert jump program help? How many inches? (no homo)
The deadlift is still effectively on linear progression in the begging of the texas method before you mess with haltings and rack pulls. So what ever day you put it on, just add more to it than the other lifts ie 5-10 kg rather than a more conservative 2.5.
Oh yeah I did a modified starr program where:
Mon: Heavy ramped squat 5 sets of 5
3-5 sets of 5 reps (weighted or 10 reps for sets across chins, I don't think it really matters I typically just did three sets to failure at bw with about 4 minutes rest between
Wed: 5 sets of ramped 3 rep on powercleans then 2-3 sets of ramped 5 on deadlift
Light squat 5 sets of 5 working to the weight of 3rd set of mon (focus on speed)
Fri: 5 sets of ramped 5 reps on squat to weight of 4th set on mon (I tried to theese sets quite quickly, this builds good power reserve and conditioning working with fairly heavy weights and builds confidence for monday)
Light cleans 5 sets of 5 up to 3rd set on wed (theese don't really do anything as I often handiling less than 100kg, its more for form
Then i do 3-5 sets of lat work it doesn't really matter what, I just pump up and get some work in so I may do some pullups, kroc rows, machine rows even lat pulldowns for high reps. I don't think it matters, its more important to focus on driving the deadlift on wednesday, I find that I can clean very accurately and consistently about half my deadlift. Even when I didn't clean for a few months I moved my deadlift from 150 kilos for 5 to 210 kg to 5 and my power clean went from about 85 for 1 to about 115 for 1 rep max.
it did but its very minimal because thats my cherry popping gym program and i didnt know how to progress so i added 10 lbs after 3 weeks or so with the same weight hahahah. and thank God i didnt die because i didnt study how to do squats and deads properly back then.
@beast i am asking what day would i put the cleans/deads in relation to my squat days? how about deads on intensity days? i am still not sure to where to put the cleans.
There are loads of combination's
You could do:
Mon Volume: Cleans 5*3
Wed Recovery:2-3 sets of chins not to failure though
Fri Intensity Deadlift 1*3-5 (though long term this is not good as eventually it becomes a powerlifting meet)
Mon Volume: Cleans 5*3
Wed Recoveryeadlift 5rm
Fri Intensity 1*1-3 rm clean and few sets of chins
or even
Week a)
Mon Volume: Cleans 5*3
Wed Recovery:2-3 sets of chins not to failiure though
Fri Intensity 1*3-5
Week b) (You can do some light cleans to keep technique good)
Mon Volume: Chins 3 sets bw failure/5*5
Wed Recoveryeadlift 5rm
Fri Intensity 1*3-5 chins
Sorry forgot your question as those templates work well for early intermediate on all lifts you be better off doing this:
Mon Volume: Cleans 5*3
Wed Recovery: 3 sets of bw chins/3 sets of 5 next week
Fri Intensity: Deadlift 5rm (You can swap this with cleans on mon and do deadlifts on mon though)
Hope I could help!
thanks beast!
Why would you want to do 5RM deadlifts on recovery day?
You do 5rm deadlift on recovery day because the volume, recovery, and intensity days we have been referring to in this instance relate just to to the squat not the whole workout However If you are feeling really beat up from monday you can swap deadlifts for friday and make wednesday full recovery for every lift. However I still think if you are on the texas method as an early intermediate it is better to deadlift on wednesday even though you will be really sore and stiff the first few weeks you will adapt.
But the point of recovery day is, well, recovery. As squats and deadlifts are related movements, it does not make much sense to use 5RM deadlifts (which use more weight than squats) on recovery day.
Do you have any experience with deadlifting on wednesday? Because my back is very sore every time I deadlift and even light squats are not so light the next workout .
I used to do them on wednesday but now for added recovery I do haltings/rack pull on friday and chins on wed as my deadlift is in the mid 500s. However at the beginning the wednesday is tough, but in a few weeks you get adapted to it, it may not even be a true 5rm however as long as you're adding weight then its all good. Also the squats always feel heavy on wed. I don't think it matters where you put the deadlift if you feel you want a full day recovery, fine. I only did deads on wed because that was where rip told me to put them when I first started the texas method and it worked out well, it enabled me to go heavy on the squat on friday without the tempetation to go limit singles on the dead and also be recovered for monday the most important day.
Last edited by beast; 04-24-2010 at 06:02 PM. Reason: meant wednesday at beginning