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Thread: finally recovering like an intermediate

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default finally recovering like an intermediate

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    well i guess i was so driven to achieving my goal of a 315lbs squat that I didnt realize my recovery pattern changed. the wife pointed out my lifts seem to go better on sunday than they do wed/thurs. she also pointed out im getting bigger again but strangely i like how i look at this size. so now ive changed my mind on being 6' at 225lbs and now wanna be a big, strong, lean 275lbs. so whats the point of this ramble, im wondering about where to go with programming? my first thought is sunday heavy, tues light and thursday push prowler for conditioning along with reducing carbs and intake to get leaner. sound like a good approach? goals are to be stronger, play recreational ice hockey better, fill out an xl shirt and see more of my cock when i look down.

    thanks in advance

    stats squat 315lbs, dl 265lbs, press 120lbs, bench 170lbs

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Clean your diet up and continue linear progression, or buy the strongest shall surive follow diet reccomendations basically atkins with carbs higher 60-100 and do the ramping 5*5 program if you want a change of pace.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I agree with Beast. Get those lifts higher, maybe with a different program, but get those lifts up man. At 6' 225 you could be a lot stronger. How old are you? I really hate comparing, but I'm a chubby 190lbs at 5'8" and my lifts are higher than yours, except the squats which are about the same.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    oh i once was a fat slobby 275lbs, dieted down to 215lbs. i didnt like how i looked so discoveered lifting for the first time and now im back to 275lbs. i like how i look now. i am 40. i know my lifts need to get up fuck i get so tired after the squats. i gotta find a way to get the other lifts moving. now that im an intermidiate i have to re read the books. on the first read i focused on the novice phase.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    other info that could be important, pasted from other forum:

    i train 2x a week and play hockey 1x week. i thought pushing the prowler would give me more endurance on the ice when the season starts up again. my lifts need to go up and i would like to see a 405lbs this time next year. lifts are 3x5, dl 1x5. no cardio other than weekly hockey games. no accessory work. so damn spent after squatting.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Well you can always continue adding weight to the bar using an Intermediate method such as a 5x5 scheme or the Texas Method or even some sorta split. I'm doing a 4 day routine that is similar to TM and it has helped me progress without getting burned out. I know the feeling of being "done" after squats or deads and not wanting to continue with the rest of the session. That could be a sign of a few things but I won't speculate about it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Oh and 40 is still young, however things are not the same as 20 years ago. I'm 35 and though stronger, I have a few more aches and pains then when I was younger and I feel like I have to "be careful" with things that could cause long term injury. I like to get out and run around with my son and dogs, but after shooting a few games of hoop, my knees are done for.
    You posted about pushing the prowler, regular or econo prowler? And what do some of your prowler routines look like? My econo is on its way, well waiting on elite to ship it out.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    i know what you mean about being careful as to avoid injury. funny thing the aches and pains seemt o be less bothersome since starting training last year.

    i just got the econo version last week and only used once and it effected my training session which happened to be the next day. im not sure what to do with routine wise. my thought was to build up to simulating hockey game. push as hard/fast possible for a minute and rest for two minutes for twenty times and then add weight when i can do that. i dont know if that is even realistic approach.

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