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Thread: Post-SS bench programming results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario

    Default Post-SS bench programming results

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    So you've gone through all the 5lb/session LP you can get through on the bench, you've microloaded with 2.5lbs/session and then you got stuck.

    What route did you go? TM? Something else? How'd that work out for you?

    3x5 every second session just doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere. I've been horrible at bench pressing my entire life and I don't expect that to change in the course of a half year. I injured my shoulder back in approx Feb or March and I've brought my 3x5 back to exactly where it was before, 150, and I've failed 152.5 (only once, so I'm not switching programs yet)

    In your experience, what has been the best way to continue bench progress? I don't feel like I'm moving enough weight to get enough stimulous for addaption. I almost want to go the route of 3x8's or something with more volume to get things moving. TM uses 5x5, intensity and recovery every two weeks, which strikes me as too little volume still. I am the opposite of barrel-chested and just in the last 4 months or so have I actually had pecs that can be seen through a tight shirt.

    Should I perhaps try some dumbel work once/week to get a little more chest action?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I'd try using the TM template, but benching every week, like I mentioned on your log. You can press on recovery days to keep the groove fresh, and driving your bench up will improve your press. I'm not a very good bench presser either, and I was able to add 2.5 pounds/week for awhile doing this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Reston, VA


    I have always sucked at bench too. Recently I have had success with a slight variation on the TM (I agree that 5x5 every other week seemed like too little volume).

    Textbook TM has you going 5x5 2x5 1x5 alternating bench and press every session, so over two weeks you get volume bench, light press, intensity bench, volume press, light bench, intensity press (increasing 2.5lbs every volume day and 2.5lbs every intensity day, since you get one intensity per volume).

    I changed it to 5x5 5x5 1x5 for volume bench, volume press, intensity bench, volume press, volume bench, intensity press (increasing 2.5lbs on volume days and 5lbs on intensity days, since there is one intensity for every two volumes) and have seen great gains on bench and also press, way past previous PRs. This has the added benefit of not feeling like light day didn't actually involve any hard work. I guess at higher weights since the two lifts are similar you could eventually get to the point where one is interfering with the other, but I have not run into that yet (bench about 200, press about 135).

    Also eat more (this always applies).
    Last edited by dcurrin; 10-19-2010 at 08:05 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    (bench about 200, press about 135).

    ^^ this is weird. My bench is at 150 and my press is at 127.5... do I suck at bench that bad, or do you suck at press that bad? This is extra wierd because I feel like it is my abs and back that hold up my press progress... I think I just REALLY suck at bench.

    LV, that may be the way to go... If I still feel like I need more volume I'll give dcurrin's plan a try.

    I always feel like the weak link is my triceps, but on the other hand I always feel ike my chest just doesn't get worked... maybe I"m benching too triceps-dependant. I select my grip width by ensuring vertical forarms when the bar is on my chest. This is pinkies on the rings for me.

    Any thoughts on dumbbells at all? SS seems to be pro-dumbbell then turns around and says "but we're not going to use them".

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    I think the reason SS doesn't use dumbells is more of a linear progression thing. For example, it is hard to move up from the 55 pound dumbells to the 60 pound dumbells since you are making a 10 pound (and 9%) jump.

    That being said, in all the years I lifted before finding Starting Strength, I'd do like 3 sets of flat bench and 3 sets of incline dumbells. I built my bench strength up a lot with that method. However, I was only doing that workout once a week, so the extra volume was easy to recover from.

    You could experiment if you wanted to. Inclines are a more similar movement to presses though, so just be careful not to mess yourself up.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Ive added about 20 pounds using a modified TM. Every week bench twice. 5x5 volume BP on monday. Wed overhead press 3x5. Friday intensity BP 3x3. Work with 2.5 lb jumps.

    I also throw in dips after the volume workout. My sticking point is alway about halfway through the lift where triceps kick in, and I feel like dips have strengthened that range of motion. Drop the dips at the first sign of any recovery issues, though.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010



    So you are only pressing once a week every week then? How is your press progressing with such low frequency?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Briks42 View Post
    I think the reason SS doesn't use dumbells is more of a linear progression thing. For example, it is hard to move up from the 55 pound dumbells to the 60 pound dumbells since you are making a 10 pound (and 9%) jump.
    This is it. They are excellent, but do not conform well to the needs of someone on LP. However, they are a great choice for assitance work however one goes about organizing that. With Matt's history of shoulder issues I would imagine assitance DB work on flat or incline would probably be better than dips. Maybe.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    I'm on my second go through of smolov jr for bench and hoping to hit 205 for 4-5 reps at the end of it. My first cycle of smolov jr got me from 145x7 to 175x7 in 3 weeks. Why not give it a try?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    starting strength coach development program
    Regin, Ninja, thanks for your input, very good stuff.

    I had been interested lately in changing up completely to a Russian deadlift/bench program... I forget if it was smolov or what, but I'm happy with my squats and I have end-of-year bench and dead goals that I wanted to make. It is possible that I might go this route, but not yet.

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