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Thread: Deadlift frequency?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Pescadero, CA

    Default Deadlift frequency?

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    After reading Marks book on programming, I scaled my deadlifts back to 1 set/5-8 reps a week. My goals are basic strength for surfing. I squat and bench 3x/week at 5 sets of 5 to 8 rep max with the last two sets reverse pyramid (-10% weight from last set) I also do 5 sets of dips and chins to fail. I try to do all these with a 2 min rest interval.
    I was doing deads 3 times per week at 5 sets but after reading Marks book on programming, thought it may be too much to recover from deads that much. I've weight lifted on and off most of my life, but only recently in past 3 months have I focused on starting strength principals.
    Any thoughts or suggestions on the DL frequencies?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    The one set at 5-8 reps once per week is sufficient for most, provided that adequate squat volume is in place. Advanced deadlifters may even deadlift less. 3 x week deadlifting is only appropriate for the rankest of novices or for Mike Bridges.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Pescadero, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by KSC View Post
    The one set at 5-8 reps once per week is sufficient for most, provided that adequate squat volume is in place. Advanced deadlifters may even deadlift less. 3 x week deadlifting is only appropriate for the rankest of novices or for Mike Bridges.
    Thanks KSC

  4. #4
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    May 2012


    sry for hijacking the thread but Im sure not spamming the forum w/ new threads asking similiar questions is appriciated as well

    currently recovering from a groin injury (suspect strained groin) working up my squat/dl to decent weights.

    doing squats on monday/friday 5x5 adding 2.5kg per workout and 5x5 DLs on wednesday (probably adding 5kg per week)

    is 5x5 too much DLing even considering the low weights? (its not like my DL was insanely high, i was still very much a beginner when the injury happened, iirc squats and DLs were both at 120x5 at that time, now both at 60)

    at what weight should i cut back at DLs or is a single 5x5 day fine once a week?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Kingwood TX


    Sets across on deadlifts are fine for someone who is just beginning or is working them easy after a layoff or something. Just keep doing what you are doing and then gradually cut the sets down as the weights start getting heavier.

  6. #6
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    I take it you don't like Dan John's Easy Strength method then? It's worked well for me coming back from a nasty SI joint herniation by using a slow and steady but relatively light weight approach. 5 days per week. Oh, and I used it for BS at the same time. Back in personal PR territory (light still for most, but ok for this older, tall and skinny guy) as a result with no reinjury or aggravation.

  7. #7
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    Kingwood TX


    Not familiar with this program. Please enlighten

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Fort Washington, MD


    Volume oriented mostly. He posts a variation on it here: in case I fail to elaborate enough. (The original follows the same set/rep patterning)

    Two week cycle, repeated. Looks like:
    Week 1:
    Mon (1) 2 x 5 Tues (2) 2 x 5 Wed (3) 5-3-2 Fri (4) 2 x 5 Sat (5) 2 x 5
    Week 2
    Mon (6) 2 x 5 Tues (7) 6 Singles Wed (8) 1 x 10 Fri (9) 2 x 5 Sat (10) 5-3-2

    A couple of rules:
    1. Never miss a rep
    2. Refer to rule 1.

    - So, the 2x5's are lighter, maybe around your second or third warm-up set for your 5RM weight. When they feel "easy" bump the weight. If it feels hard, drop it a bit. (auto-regulation)
    - For the 5-3-2's, do the set of 5 where you are doing your 2x5's. Add weight for the triple and double. Rule 1 applies, but you can test here as long as you follow it.
    - 1x6's, same thing. Add weight for each single, but don't miss.
    - the single set of 10 is what I call a "goo remover" - simple keeps things lubed up at a lighter weight.

    Kinda simple, but complicated. I like it since I was prone to injury at the heavier limit weights. It keeps me lifting and getting stronger, while allowing me the flexibility of deciding how hard I want to press based on feel. Since I'm in this for the long haul, and am not it a hurry, it makes sense, even though it's more complicated than I need as a low-level intermediate lifter. The other thing is it allows for me working in a good amount of conditioning. The autoregulation aspect takes care of any recovery issues, and since it's largely at relatively easier weights, I haven't found any need to deload for a week yet. I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes this summer though, a I push through and beyond PR territory into the 400's.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA


    Basically, you do a 2x5 with something fairly easy - like 50%-60% of your 1RM most days. It's a full body workout and you do it 5 days a week. Every so often you air it out a little and do 5-3-2 or 6x1 with escalating weights. Maybe you set a PR if you feel confident you can make it. Otherwise you work at a very calm, unaroused state. It's a high frequency regimen similar to the concept of "greasing the groove".

    I've been on it for about 7 weeks and it is mind boggling to me how well it has worked. I mean, it shouldn't work at all, right? I've been stuck trying to get four wheels on DL for over a year. I was about to pack it in on DL, thinking I can't train it without beating myself up too much. Well, I've been deadlifting 5 days a week with only minimal soreness or fatigue. On my last 5-3-2 day a pulled 365x2. My 3RM is 365. Big deal, except it was easy and I felt fine afterward and went right back to my 2x5's. I fully expect to get 405x1 this Sunday and probably more.

    Almost every lift I've trained, I've PRed. Admittedly, most were lifts I hadn't worked very hard so there were still easy gains. DL, on the other hand, I have worked hard and was stuck so that is the measure of the program in my opinion.

  10. #10
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    Kingwood TX


    starting strength coach development program

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