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Thread: Help me program my power cleans into my 5/3/1 program.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Seattle, Washington


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    I honestly think the top set, in addition to getting your squat/dl higher, yields the best results. If youre concerned about low volume, you could do the warmups twice. We generally did about 8 ramped triples total. We were only precise with top sets because loading is a nightmare with 12 guys and 2 racks.

    Stuff to consider:
    .35x3, .45x3, .55x3, .65x3, .75x3, .75x3, .80x3, .80x3, .85x3+

    You could do something very similar for 2s and 1s. I do recommend adding more warmups though. Sorry, ill try to leave something more detailed later. It is hard to post about programming with numbers etc from my phone

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    I am toying around with ideas on the programming of the power cleans I was thinking doing this rather than amrap sets.....
    90%(or more)x1

    the following weeks would be sets of 2222211222 then 32111 then maybe go for a new max or just a couple of really heavy singles then the down sets

    Tom or somebody what do you think of this?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    I have been doing 531 for about 8 months now, but didn't add in power cleans until about four months ago. I do them on OHP day, after pressing. Since it is an explosive exercise, I keep the reps low. The first couple of months, I did 333, 222, 321, but it didn't feel like I got enough work done compared to when I did 5x3 when I was still on SS. Now I do pyramid sets, where the middle (and heaviest) set is an AMRAP set, so it goes like this: week 1: 3,3,3+,3,3, week 2: 2,2,2+,2,2, week 3: 3,2,1+,2,3. The percentages are 75/80/85/80/75, 80/85/90/85/80, 75/85/95/75/85, respectively, of 90% of projected 1RM. The reason I pyramid and do the AMRAP set in the middle, is to make sure that I am not too fatigued to push myself on the AMRAP set.

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