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Thread: My current modified SS

  1. #11
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    I don't get it if Ripp wrote the book, said not to modify anything than why on Earth would he throw in a chapter with Assistance exercises. The sole reason I added more to SS (well apart from biceps and triceps) was because I thought if Ripp wrote a chapter in 3rd SS edition they must be good and there'd be no problems adding them in as long as I still make progress.
    Well, as other guys said as long as I still make LP than it's not a big problem even if it's not SS. I'll keep posting in a few more months and I guess I should try to compare with other guys whole did SS to the letter by not adding anything and strictly squating 3x week.

    Thanks guys,

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Dunk View Post
    Agree with the above comment, ss is more of a concept of linear progression in the sense a beginner can add weight to the bar every workout. Doesn't mean you program is bad, i feel the main thing is keeping with a program and still progressing at some rate is key. I would add another squat session in though...
    Oh the reason I skipped one squat session was because my squat was catching up with my deadlift being 105kg on both, or I'd say I felt squat much stronger at 105 whereas my deadlift was bad with form issues and weak grip. I've seen a lot of novices being about 30% stronger at deadlift than squat so I thought something was wrong.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by allent View Post
    There are 100s of other programs out, that also work, that look very much like the OPs program. He could do one of those. I don't care if he does SS AT ALL. I never did. But I didn't call something SS that I changed 95%.

    Personally, I'd just say I am doing my own program.
    I guess you are right, I just finally realised the LP theory behind SS and took it and applied to my own liking, luckily it's working for me well now, cause I used to follow lotsa different routines with no results at all.

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