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Thread: Stalling on TM Intensity day

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Stalling on TM Intensity day

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hi, I'm 20 years old and 5ft 6in and weigh 172-175lb. I have been running TM based routine (the one I read from Mr. Rippetoe's article on t-nation) for about 2 months now after doing SS for close to a year and after coming off a wrist injury about 4 months ago. It hurts to do anything that requires my right hand to be supinated, so I don't do any curls/chin ups at the moment. Here are my current lifts that I've completed:

    Squats: 330 5x5 volume/ 355x5 intensity
    Deadlifts: 370x3 (mixed grip, working back up with double overhand/hook grip now)
    Bench: 215 5x5 volume/ 245x3
    OHP: 145 5x5 volume/ 160x5 intensity

    My week looks like this:

    Tuesday: volume day (squats 5x5, ohp/bench 5x5, weighted dips 3x5)
    Saturday: intensity day (squats 1x5, ohp/bench 1x5, deads 1x5)
    Sunday: back day (bb rows, db rows, pull ups, 1 or 2 machines)

    Today was my intensity day and I hit 355x5 for squats with moderate effort last week, so I thought 360 would be very do-able. However I could only do 2 reps and I'm sure if I had forced a 3rd rep , I would've injured myself.

    My question is about my volume and intensity day relationship. Are my volume weights and intensity weights too close together, I've noticed in some training logs that the volume and intensity day can differ up to 50+ lb. Or is it time for me to try out triples/doubles/singles for intensity day? Should i throw in a recovery day and take out the back workout?

    Also, which would be the better book to invest in regarding my question? Justin Lacseck's book about the TM or Practical Programming? I know both would be the correct answer, however I'm on a tight budget and also have to buy textbooks for school.

    Appreciate the help. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    They might be a little close together on the squats. I think the pressing exercises are probably ok.

    Try the recovery day in the middle and see what happens. If none of this works then switch your squats to lower reps. If you were my client, I'd be saying run don't walk to putting 405 on the bar!!!!!

    The other thing, I'd like to see what happens when your bodyweight is at 195.

    I'm ok with the back day in there. Try keeping the workout short, don't stress your low back too much, and watch your volume.

    Get Practical Programming...I haven't read the other one.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Thanks for the advice Andy. You're right some days when I feel good I want to add more than 5 lb on intensity squats. That 405 mark would be really nice.

    About me reaching a bodyweight of 195, I'm gonna try to see how much I can bulk up until this spring and probably cut. I'm interested in doing jiu jitsu again, when my wrist fully heals and I don't think I can roll for a long time (I haven't done cardio close to 2 years now)

    Okay, I'll add in the recovery day and keep the back day and see how it goes from there.

    Again thanks for the help , I really appreciate it!

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