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Thread: Critique my Program!!! For Weightloss Efforts!!! AND Maintaining Strength!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Critique my Program!!! For Weightloss Efforts!!! AND Maintaining Strength!!!

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    So...I have worked SS and TM. Current 5RM on squats: 335. My weight has gone from 238 to 283, at 6'2" and 36 years of age. My goal was to get my squat to 400, but I find that I need to rearrange my priorities because of achy knees that don't love me right now. After I lose some of this weight I will hunt for 400 again...

    In researching the subject of FAT loss while maintaining Lean Body Mass, it seems that the main idea is to maintain intensity of lifts while reducing volume to allow for reduced recovery capacities.

    Here is what I am thinking of for my program for the next few weeks/months (until I lose about 30-40lbs) ((repsxsets, FTW)) (((warmups assumed))):

    Monday: Bench/Press 195x5x3/132.5x5x3, Curlz 90x5x3
    Tuesday: Squat 305x5x3, Power Snatch 100x3x5
    Thursday: Bench/Press 227.5x2/155x2, Chinz BW +bands 4, 4, 4
    Friday: Squat 340x3, DL 340x3

    I will try to maintain 5# jumps on Squat V/I and DL, and 2.5# jumps on all others.

    While doing this I plan on decreasing caloric intake. Will still have big eating days on Monday and Tuesday, trying to taper down through the week.

    Thanks for any comments or suggestions,

    Last edited by Str8shutr; 04-08-2013 at 11:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    In for responses.

    For the past 5 weeks I've been following TM on a 600-800/day deficit. No special macros or anything just alot of protein and a calorie deficit. I havent done any conditioning either and probably wont start for a few more weeks. 5s ran out really quick on me. 2 weeks in i was on 3s for all of the lifts, although 3s are still going strong for me (except on bench). I also went pretty quickly to 5 reps for 3 sets volume as well, I stick pretty strickly to 85% of Intensity day for volume. not sure what I'll try next maybe doubles then singles after 3s fail.

    My brother is doing 1000-1200 a day deficit, he has alot more weight to lose than I do. His numbers are suffering terribly, 2 weeks in and he failed everything. Hes just repeating his volume days and intensity days trying to maintain strength. I think TM is to difficult of a program to run at that kind of deficit.

    I think programming is more important than ever when you are trying to cut. I like your 4 day spit but I swear by recovery squats and would like to see those in there somewhere. I cant really comment other than that on program because I have changed things up several times to try and continue to spur progress. I started with a 4 day split like yours but I did volume squats on monday bench/press tuesday and the intensity days matching on thursday and friday. I did my recovery squats very very light on tuesday for 2 sets of 5. Im currently following the standard texas method template with no accessory work but chins on monday and friday.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    The North, Westeros/UK


    You might be interested in checking out my log in the intermediate section: I ran a TM-style setup for a few months from October till last month while cutting.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Thanks for the suggestions.

    DCM: I did look at your log. I think you are doing a heck of a job there, it seems like you are able to PR pretty regularly. That's fucking awesome. And Little Timmy sounds like a Grade-A shit. Maybe a barbell will fall on him and his mom.

    Manimal: I have skipped light days on TM before, and missing the recovery day squats did not seem to affect me, so hopefully that will be true here too. It sounds like the main theme here is to keep it heavy. I plan on running at about the same deficit as you for Weds-Sun, with big meals on Monday and Tuesday.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    West Bend, WI


    I ran something like this for a while. It is in my log, but many pages back (not sure where). The only thing I did differently, which I really liked, was mixing up the volume/intensity work.

    It would looked like this (for you):

    M- Intensity Bench, volume press, + assistance
    T- Volume Squat, Power Snatch
    Th- Intensity Press, volume bench, + assistance
    F- Intensity Squat, Intensity DL

    The other option would be to do the same thing, but give yourself a deadlift day. You can rotate the days around too.

    M- Intensity Press, volume bench, + assistance
    T- Intensity Squat, Power Snatch
    Th- Intensity Bench, volume press, + assistance
    F- Intensity DL, volume squat (lighter)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    That first option looks pretty good. When I set up my program, I was thinking I would alternate between B and P weekly (i.e. Week 1 = BP M and Th, Week 2 = P M and Th). I was concerned that that would not be enough volume to keep up with progression.

    I really like what you did there, I may give that a shot.

    On a side note, is it not important to keep the V/I day seperation when running splits? Does that only apply when you are doing whole body WOs each training day? I think that was why I had it set up that way in my original post.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    West Bend, WI


    I don't think so, but there might be others that disagree. In PPST, Rip has the Woojus Geeshman template that is DE/V on all the days. So it wasn't like there was a dedicated volume day and dedicated speed day. It used the same idea I am with volume and intensity. If you start with the intensity lift, you should be well recovered working out M/Th. The volume work is just icing on the cake. Only go as heavy as you need to (think lazy here). If your intensity day is moving up, it really doesn't matter how heavy the volume work is. You can do too little though, so just monitor your percentages and progress.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Green River, WY


    Would you guys think some thing like this would work? Or is it better to focus on moving intensity up while only doing enough volume to do so?
    Monday: Bench 5x5/Press 80%(of previously completed work set weight) 3x5
    Tuesday: Squat 5x5/ PC 5x3
    Wednesday: off
    Thursday: Press 5x5/ Bench 80% 3x5
    Friday: Deads 1x5/ Squat 80% 2x5

    You could adjust volume if needed.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Haggit View Post
    Would you guys think some thing like this would work? Or is it better to focus on moving intensity up while only doing enough volume to do so?
    Monday: Bench 5x5/Press 80%(of previously completed work set weight) 3x5
    Tuesday: Squat 5x5/ PC 5x3
    Wednesday: off
    Thursday: Press 5x5/ Bench 80% 3x5
    Friday: Deads 1x5/ Squat 80% 2x5

    You could adjust volume if needed.
    If I were programming during a cut I would want more intensity than 5x5. If I were not cutting I would also want more intensity than 5x5.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Green River, WY


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Philbert View Post
    If I were programming during a cut I would want more intensity than 5x5. If I were not cutting I would also want more intensity than 5x5.
    I see. Thank you

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