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Thread: HLM weight loss

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default HLM weight loss

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Hi Andy,

    I have recently been doing 4 day TM split while on a caloric deficit and have found that even doing ramp to top set of 5s on VD and singles on ID I am having a hard time making progress.

    So I am starting to do HLM and have read your articles on them, I was just wondering if my exercise and rep scheme are good with weight loss.

    Heavy Day:
    squat 3x5 (across)
    bench 3x5 (across)
    deads 1x5
    chins 3 x 10
    rowing intervals

    Light Day:
    FS 3x3
    Press 3x5
    bis and tris 3x10

    Medium Day:
    Squat 3x5 ( 90% of Heavy)
    CGB 3x5 (~85% of Heavy)
    SLDL 2-3x8 (~80% of Heavy)
    Conditioning same as Heavy

    Thanks Andy!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    Probably fine. General layout is fine. Run your caloric deficit Monday through Saturday. On Sunday, have a cheat day and load up on carbs, saturated fat, and sodium. It will help your heavy day. Don't eat crap like cookies and candy. Do meals like burgers and fries, spaghetti w/ meat sauce, pancakes & eggs, etc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    Thanks Andy, I just have 2 follow up questions.
    As the weights get heavier should I start dropping the sets across and start working up to a top set of 5s with maybe 2 sets of back offs?

    And are the cheat days kinda like a high day ( high carb day) like Jordan prescribes or are they just kinda one meal on sunday?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    Would HLM be your general recommendation for overweight people who have finished their SS LP and need intermediate programming, but are still dieting?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    Quote Originally Posted by olui View Post
    Thanks Andy, I just have 2 follow up questions.
    As the weights get heavier should I start dropping the sets across and start working up to a top set of 5s with maybe 2 sets of back offs?

    And are the cheat days kinda like a high day ( high carb day) like Jordan prescribes or are they just kinda one meal on sunday?
    1. Maybe. Hard to say since I am not witness to your training. But that is certainly an option when sets across are no longer feasible
    2. Could be either. Depends how much you are capable of putting away in a meal. If you are like me then downing an extra large pizza and a box of cheesy breadsticks is pretty easy in one sitting. Some just don't have that type of appetite and get full faster. For them, they may need to spreadload the carbs out over the day. Also depends on whether you are dieting purely for weight or weight and physique. I talked with my nutrition guy Nathan about this at length. He allows his strength athletes to carb up on pizza, burgers/fries, pancakes w/ syrup, etc. When he works with BBers he only allows them to carb up with higher doses of clean carbs - mostly rice spread throughout the day.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Mugaaz View Post
    Would HLM be your general recommendation for overweight people who have finished their SS LP and need intermediate programming, but are still dieting?
    Its certainly a good option. Better than Texas Method for dieters in my opinion

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