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Thread: Transitioning to Texas method

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Transitioning to Texas method

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    I want to start Texas method, not sure which template yet.

    I have been lifting for 1 year, and i have done high rep/ high volume programs and recently started doing low reps 5-8 and I really liked it. So my question is: Should i do something special to transition from my old high volume/ medium reps program to Texas method?

    A deload or a Texas week but with reduced intesity. I have never done sets across always did ramping.

    Stats: Almost 18 years old, 5'10, 195 lbs

    OHP: 121 lbs x 4
    Barbell flat bench: 187 x 3
    Squat: 276 x 4
    Deadlift: 364 x 5 ( bad form)

    To be clear i have not done SS ( stupid me) but i have read SS and PP

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy1996 View Post
    I want to start Texas method, not sure which template yet.

    I have been lifting for 1 year, and i have done high rep/ high volume programs and recently started doing low reps 5-8 and I really liked it. So my question is: Should i do something special to transition from my old high volume/ medium reps program to Texas method?

    A deload or a Texas week but with reduced intesity. I have never done sets across always did ramping.

    Stats: Almost 18 years old, 5'10, 195 lbs

    OHP: 121 lbs x 4
    Barbell flat bench: 187 x 3
    Squat: 276 x 4
    Deadlift: 364 x 5 ( bad form)

    To be clear i have not done SS ( stupid me) but i have read SS and PP
    It is clear that you have not done SS. And you can do whatever you "want," but your programming should really be determined by asking a different question (What is the most effective way to attain/move towards my goals).

    And the answer is clear. There's room for much more efficient progress utilizing a novice linear progression here. If you do Texas Method, it will be less effective for you, regardless of how you set it up.

    So I refuse to answer your question on the internet because it's the wrong question. Now let's have an internet debate and call each other names. Or not. But I'm right ;p

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    New York



    TM is a neat layout, but Adam is right that you have other priorities right now. You're still a novice. Goals should be to solidify your technique on all lifts and progress as much as possible linearly. I'm not saying you necessarily have to run yourself into the ground milking the LP, but certainly you can understand how a program like TM is designed for someone who is improving more slowly than you are at this stage in your training.

    I'd advise: Do some version of SS (probably advanced novice template) and take videos of your sets to check technique. You were critical of your deadlift form, so I suspect that you already somewhat aware of what these lifts are supposed to look like.

  4. #4
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    Aug 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Skillin View Post
    It is clear that you have not done SS. And you can do whatever you "want," but your programming should really be determined by asking a different question (What is the most effective way to attain/move towards my goals).

    And the answer is clear. There's room for much more efficient progress utilizing a novice linear progression here. If you do Texas Method, it will be less effective for you, regardless of how you set it up.

    So I refuse to answer your question on the internet because it's the wrong question. Now let's have an internet debate and call each other names. Or not. But I'm right ;p

    Wow ... really wow (positively)

    I am kind of interested in powerlifting but I cannot say i am 100% sure but i really want to get stronger and maybe ( less important) bigger/mass, i dont really care about aesthetics.

    So a novice linear progression. Do you mean i should start with SS? or something like Greyskull LP? Please explain.

    I am honestly a little bit stunned and confused.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Start with good old SS. Not much to explain.

    At 5'10" 200# (assuming good health) no reason why you can't run SS until you're squatting 365 for 3 sets of 5.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by BareSteel View Post

    TM is a neat layout, but Adam is right that you have other priorities right now. You're still a novice. Goals should be to solidify your technique on all lifts and progress as much as possible linearly. I'm not saying you necessarily have to run yourself into the ground milking the LP, but certainly you can understand how a program like TM is designed for someone who is improving more slowly than you are at this stage in your training.

    I'd advise: Do some version of SS (probably advanced novice template) and take videos of your sets to check technique. You were critical of your deadlift form, so I suspect that you already somewhat aware of what these lifts are supposed to look like.

    Oh too bad i thought that i already was an early intermediate .

    I have been recordering myself squatting and deadlifting honestly, and that is how i know that my form broke down ( mostly mid back). I really have a lot of videos, every workout i record myself, except for bench and OHP. I have been fortifing my technique.

    I have always squatted high bar sumo stance because i couldnt get below parallel comforatbly. Now i discovered turning my feet out more i can keep my feet shoulder width and can go past parallel.
    With the deadlift i really fucked up. I was making great progress went from. 315 x 5 to 330 x 5 in one week and the week after to 350 x 5 with good form. But the week after when i tried 364 i was tired i knew form wasnt great at 330, but i still did it and got 364 x 5.
    I honestly was scared that i fucked up my spine. Happily i didn't. So currently i deloaded my deadlift to 330. And my form broke down again. Week after even with 270 was a challange so i took a deload. And in my deload i realised hmmm maybe i advanced to intermediate?
    So that is how i come with the Texas method.

    My bench went up, OHP stalled for one week ( i was tired tho), squat i was a pussy, so i stayed on 266 x 5.

    I will take your and adam's advice to try an advanced novice template. where can i find a good one or should i make one for myself?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Start with SS. Select your starting weights the same way a person brand new to the lifts does. You will likely be able to clean up your form and have a good run of increasing the weights lifted while becoming accustomed to lower reps and sets across. When you do transition to Texas method you will have a much better idea of where to start.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by John Hanley View Post
    Start with good old SS. Not much to explain.

    At 5'10" 200# (assuming good health) no reason why you can't run SS until you're squatting 365 for 3 sets of 5.

    I am honestly a bit overweight but i dropped bf% and stayed the same weight, from when i started. So should i just follow the basic SS routine or could i add some exercises? ( my traps dominate my lats, shitty development or should i not be focused on that now)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Philbert View Post
    Start with SS. Select your starting weights the same way a person brand new to the lifts does. You will likely be able to clean up your form and have a good run of increasing the weights lifted while becoming accustomed to lower reps and sets across. When you do transition to Texas method you will have a much better idea of where to start.

    Selecting my starting weight .... i am bit lost. I would immediatly say pick 44 lbs under my currently weight. Or is that too much?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    The Deep South


    starting strength coach development program
    Do the SS program. Even if you only get 1 month out of it your lifts will be a lot better going into TM.

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