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Thread: Can I get some suggestions for my situation?

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Lakeland, FL


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    Quote Originally Posted by composite View Post
    Anyway, I came back down to 170 so that I could have some room to grow again.
    Where did you find this silly idea about room to grow? Do you mean room in your clothes or your car?

    I've put on about 40lbs on my LP without any noticeable increase in bodyfat. I often don't get enough sleep due to a 2 & 5 year-old and asshole neighbors who let their dogs bark all night. I see no real need for an upward limit to my weight gain so long as I do not get over fat. From a health point of view, I see no real possibility for someone over 40 and who stays under 20% BF of getting anywhere near the point where LBM would cause an issues. I'm personally probably about 100lbs from that being a problem and so are you. We couldn't get there if we tried.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    And what exactly would the point have been to stay at 190, at increased body fat, while not lifting? I pretty much just cut the fat off that I had gained while I was on a caloric surplus. At least now, I can go on a caloric surplus if I need be. That is what I mean by having room to grow.

  3. #33
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    Lakeland, FL


    Quote Originally Posted by composite View Post
    And what exactly would the point have been to stay at 190, at increased body fat, while not lifting? I pretty much just cut the fat off that I had gained while I was on a caloric surplus. At least now, I can go on a caloric surplus if I need be. That is what I mean by having room to grow.
    There's no point in staying overfat, but there's also no such thing as making room to grow, which was my point.

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Brisbane, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by John Hanley View Post

    Squats 5s for 2-4 sets
    Press/Bench: same
    RDL: 3x8

    Front Squat: 5s for
    Press/Bench: Same as Mon
    DL: 5

    Throw in a bunch of chins & conditioning on off days
    Quote Originally Posted by John Hanley View Post
    I use Austrian made synthetic leeches. Wonderful.

    OP, I'd use the template I sketched out earlier...but use drop sets. Learn to measure your fatigue. Fatigue doesn't scale linearly with intensity...but fatigue is fatigue. It's not like once you're working at 85% the quality and mechanisms change. A fuckton of "bodybuilding" will fatigue just as surely as heavy singles if both induce similar levels of reduction of force production.

    So...learn to measure your reduction in ability to produce force. RPEs work. Bar speed is a gold standard.

    John gave you the program you need. If recovery is an issue toward the end of an LP a reduced frequency alternating intensity advanced novice template with drop/back-off sets just works. Because my personal case study & more importantly John's knowledge base says so. If you want to avoid 5's - because 5's can be tough & scary - that's your decision. 5's are purpose designed to be unpleasant - because adaptation doesn't respond well to pleasantries. Or do some 20 rep squats and get a handle on an awful new kind of unpleasant that will have you writing a soppy apology letter to 5's.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    starting strength coach development program
    I don't have any idea about this. Its up to you what you'll gonna do.

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