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Thread: Messed up my caloric intake, way to move forward?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Default Messed up my caloric intake, way to move forward?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello. First a little info:
    I'm 155lbs, and I've been doing the SS program for the past almost 3.5 months, since start-February.
    Squat went from 100lbs to 225lbs
    Deadlift went from 110lbs to 230lbs
    Press went from 45lbs (bar) to 90lbs
    Bench went from 75lbs to 150lbs

    The only thing is, I kinda messed up my caloric intake... I've only managed to make my bodyweight go from 150lbs to 155lbs in those 3 months.. I know, I know, INDTP... And now it's starting to show. I am struggling to grind out reps on all my lifts, and I'm missing reps more often. I feel that I am getting stuck.
    I want you to know that this is not a case of me having the mentality of "I wanna get strong but not gain bodyweight." I want to get big and strong, I've just messed up. I know I have to eat more, and I'm determined to try hard from now on.

    My question is just this:
    Is the best solution for me to reset all my lifts about 10% (like a normal reset) and at the same time up my caloric intake and progress in a more linear way from there,
    or is the best solution to just upping my caloric intake right now, while I'm struggling to grind out reps?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    You don't need a full 10% reset. If you are missing reps now, then go back in time about 1 week and start over again, BUT this time get your calories up. Also, check your squat form. If you are squatting 225x5 then you should be deadlifting quite a bit more than 230x5. I have a feeling you are squatting high. If that is the case, then you might need a bigger reset on the squat.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    Okay, good to hear that a full reset is not required. I think I'm finally doing okay on squats regarding depth, hip drive and stance after several squat checks on the SS forums.. But i'll take a step back with the weights, and video myself to make sure i hit depth.
    Thank you for your answer!

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