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Thread: Back after 4-year layoff, what's wrong with me

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    I think I'm just missing some basic nutritional concept. Maybe I'll move this over to the nutrition forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by wiigelec View Post
    True, and I love meat. I eat a good deal of chicken and sometimes beef and pork, but unfortunately I can't afford to eat a huge chunk of meat at every meal, or even do some of the huge portions other guys do regularly. So I just started doing Whey, which is a big help. But I can't imagine doubling my intake like Frankie said...I already have cramps and discomfort eating this much. How do you fit it all in??

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    RS WY


    If you can afford whey you can afford meat.

    Ground beef and/or ground turkey seem to be the easiest tacos, burgers, dirty rice, hamburger soup, stuffed peppers, meatloaf, casseroles the list is nearly endless but first you’ll have to stop making excuses for any of it to work.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by wiigelec View Post
    If you can afford whey you can afford meat.

    Ground beef and/or ground turkey seem to be the easiest tacos, burgers, dirty rice, hamburger soup, stuffed peppers, meatloaf, casseroles the list is nearly endless but first you’ll have to stop making excuses for any of it to work.
    Again with the "tough love"... I know it's a popular tack around here but save it for people actually making excuses, it gets old when you overuse it. Still I appreciate your post and food ideas, though it doesn't answer the question of how to fit it all in -- it's an honest question I'm sure a lot of people struggle with. My answer so far has been cutting carbs to make room for protein, but that seems to not be enough.

    I'm not sure what you say is true, either. I can get a jar of Whey isolate/concentrate combo @ 26 g/protein per serving for $22 at CVS. In that jar are around 30 servings or so. Could you get 30 servings (like real servings, with at least 26 g/protein) of meat for $22? If so, not being snarky, I really want to know where because seriously I would be on that. Maybe that old, brown-ish looking Taco Bell meat, the Manager's Special?

    A can of tuna comes close at about 25 g/can, and you can get ~30 cans for $20-30 dollars or get it in bulk. According to my math, that's not bad, but then you're eating all that mercury, and most meats will not be that cheap.

    Not saying I would rely totally on whey, just saying it is about as cheap as you can get for high-quality protein.

  4. #24
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    RS WY


    Good luck to you...

  5. #25
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    When I graduated from college I was 6’1” and 135 pounds. I knew when I started this eating enough to grow would be a challenge. If you want to grow muscle and get stronger you have to force your body to adapt and do something it doesn’t want to do. This process starts in your head. When it’s in your head it doesn’t matter if your tummy says it is too full you’ll eat it anyway and your body will adapt to eating that amount of food and with the right training you will grow and get stronger.

    When you want something bad enough you find a way to make it happen, no excuses...

  6. #26
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    Jan 2011


    I'm currently unemployed in my thirties, times are tough for me. Ground beef for lean and chicken wings for keto if you need the fat. I wouldn't advocate overeating to the point of discomfort, rather get into fattier cuts for the extra calories.
    Jamie Lewis has just done a couple articles on the topic

  7. #27
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    Whey is cheaper per gram of protein than meat is, although probably not per calorie depending on the meat. I probably wouldn't prioritize animal fats while trying to gain weight, or cut carbs to make room for the protein. Whey will make it easy to hit protein goals, as will having protein of some kind every time you eat. Adding in something easy to consume on top of what you already do will make it easier to get calories in. Whey mixed with milk or even almond milk with 2-3 of your meals could work.

  8. #28
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    Edit: Compliance is the most important part and the eat more tough love bullshit is fine for Rippetoe getting young guys to comply, but as a general rule is about as useful as telling fat people to eat less. Track your actual intake as accurately as you can to make sure you're eating enough, and so you have a target, because your natural inclination towards eating is what brought you to your current condition, and not tracking leaves you with no target to hit and more easily discouraged when you're full.

  9. #29
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    Oct 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Frankie View Post
    I'm currently unemployed in my thirties, times are tough for me. Ground beef for lean and chicken wings for keto if you need the fat. I wouldn't advocate overeating to the point of discomfort, rather get into fattier cuts for the extra calories.
    Jamie Lewis has just done a couple articles on the topic
    You might be better putting your time into finding some lucrative employment ? One thing serves another, you aren't just a muscle on legs. Just a thought.

  10. #30
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    You are eating a ton of fiber. Try cutting back if you have "discomfort" from eating, it's probably the reason you are having cramps. Fiber will fill you up and make you feel full. It's really hard to eat a lot of whole wheat toast and oats, it's like trying to eat a box of white crackers, just hard to swallow and bland, and will fill your stomach up.

    You can't afford more meat, but you're buying stuff that doesn't have a lot of bang for buck, like yogurt, walnuts, and chicken breast? Skip that stuff. Skip the chicken breast and get thighs. Eat way more eggs, I can get 18 for a dollar, that's 126 grams of protein for a buck, and milk, which is even cheaper. They have more protein per dollar than anything and have higher calories.

    You could actually eat a "lesser" amount of food and still probably consume more calories AND protein, which would make recovery and gains better.

    Definitely add in whey, its cheap, easy to consume, and won't fill you up. Buy it online, it's "whey" cheaper than at CVS and better quality. Myprotein isolate is over 50 grams per dollar.

    Get your protein set, then add in carbs and fat until you hit your needs, carbs are cheaper and easier to consume, and don't be afraid to not eat wheat and oats. You don't need so much veg and fruit every meal, we're trying to gain here. You won't die of malnutrition.

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