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Thread: Need advice about Andy Baker's GGW program

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clyde View Post
    Just curious-- what is your body weight? I'm exactly the same age and height and I'm no where near these numbers. Also, how long have you been doing the SS program (or other program) before you turned to the GGW program? Can you give me a sense of your lifting history, in other words. Thanks!
    Clyde, sorry, I forgot to include my weight...I'm currently 218 lbs. As for my history, I wrote a testimonial a couple of months ago when I finished SS that has all my background info, so I'll refer you to that. Here's the link:

    My final results from Starting Strength LP

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by GarageGym1012 View Post
    Clyde, sorry, I forgot to include my weight...I'm currently 218 lbs. As for my history, I wrote a testimonial a couple of months ago when I finished SS that has all my background info, so I'll refer you to that. Here's the link:

    My final results from Starting Strength LP
    Very impressive results! Look forward to seeing what you get from GGW!

  3. #13
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    Dec 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Upchurch View Post
    Very impressive results! Look forward to seeing what you get from GGW!
    Thanks, but I think your numbers are far more impressive than mine simply because of your low bodyweight….you're stronger than I am and you weigh 40 lbs less than I. If you let yourself gain some weight, you would be a beast! I really think I had such good results from SS because I ate like horse. I think the weight gain kept the weights increasing, and the increasing weights kept the muscle increasing...and that cycle just kept things going. You should let yourself bulk up for these last few months of winter, and then cut in the Spring or Summer if you want to. As Rip says: "Losing weight is easy, gaining muscle is hard."

  4. #14
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    Nov 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by GarageGym1012 View Post
    Thanks, but I think your numbers are far more impressive than mine simply because of your low bodyweight….you're stronger than I am and you weigh 40 lbs less than I. If you let yourself gain some weight, you would be a beast! I really think I had such good results from SS because I ate like horse. I think the weight gain kept the weights increasing, and the increasing weights kept the muscle increasing...and that cycle just kept things going. You should let yourself bulk up for these last few months of winter, and then cut in the Spring or Summer if you want to. As Rip says: "Losing weight is easy, gaining muscle is hard."
    Impressive results! I read the link that you put above. I'm actually nearly the same exact metrics as you were when you started (my weight is 163, so a pound or two off from where you started). Any chance you can show a before and after pic? I think the amount of muscle you gained is great, but I'm curious about the look. Maybe I am weird, but for me personally, seeing the scale go up by 48 lbs would be difficult for me, but I do understand it's necessary. I also realize that to get strong you need to get big, so I am adding this comment to save someone else the time of writing it!

  5. #15
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    Jun 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by GarageGym1012 View Post
    Thanks, but I think your numbers are far more impressive than mine simply because of your low bodyweight….you're stronger than I am and you weigh 40 lbs less than I. If you let yourself gain some weight, you would be a beast! I really think I had such good results from SS because I ate like horse. I think the weight gain kept the weights increasing, and the increasing weights kept the muscle increasing...and that cycle just kept things going. You should let yourself bulk up for these last few months of winter, and then cut in the Spring or Summer if you want to. As Rip says: "Losing weight is easy, gaining muscle is hard."
    Another perspective is that you're 8 years older and reached a similar strength in less time.

    Re gaining weight... I've considered it. That's how I got from 160 to 180. I have a few challenges thought. 1) As you say, it is difficult. I have to make myself eat just to maintain my current weight. This combined with the following number 2 and 3 make it even more challenging. 2) I enjoy running. Not too far or for too long. Just 3 miles a couple times a week to get some heart health benefits. 3) I enjoy playing basketball. 4) My wife doesn't want me to get much bigger. Haha. Her opinion matters a lot.

  6. #16
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    Dec 2018


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Clyde View Post
    Impressive results! I read the link that you put above. I'm actually nearly the same exact metrics as you were when you started (my weight is 163, so a pound or two off from where you started). Any chance you can show a before and after pic? I think the amount of muscle you gained is great, but I'm curious about the look. Maybe I am weird, but for me personally, seeing the scale go up by 48 lbs would be difficult for me, but I do understand it's necessary. I also realize that to get strong you need to get big, so I am adding this comment to save someone else the time of writing it!
    Sorry, but don't have any before and after pics. Let me put it this way, when I was 167, I had visible abs. At 218, I don't...but just barely. In the right light, I can just barely see my abs. If having visible abs was important to me (which it isn't), I'm sure I could lose 10lbs and they would show again. But I don't want to lose any strength, so I'm not going to do that. 20% body fat is not at all overweight. No one would describe me as being fat or even chubby. My waist is 37" and I look jacked....wide shoulders, big quads, big chest, big arms....everything is bigger. I look (and feel) much better at 218 20% bf and jacked than I did at 167 10% bf and ripped. Don't be afraid to gain weight. At 163 you should want to gain weight. I think you'll be happier, and if not, take it back's not irreversible.

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