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Thread: Jiu-Jitsu and Barbell Training

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Default Jiu-Jitsu and Barbell Training

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    M 43, 270lbs

    Press 215
    Bench 305
    Squat 425
    Deadlift 515
    Clean 205 / BB Row 275

    looking for some advice: after running LP, then Texas Method, and then 4 day split, I've been getting a little bored and also decided to cut some weight.

    I've decided to start Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for weight loss, and I'm having a lot of fun! It feels like my early days of SSLP, sucking a little less with the movements each training day, learning, etc. But recovering from a 4 Day split AND all of this other training is just too much for this old man.


    1. what is the minimum amount of strength training I can do to prevent severe loss of strength? Keeping in mind that I'm cutting about 2-3 lbs a week right now, I expect to lose strength. I want to try to mitigate the loss where I can.

    2. In about 25 lbs (so at about 250 bodyweight), I'll probably take a short break from BJJ, and go back on SSLP. Once I run that out, I'll probably get back into BJJ, I really enjoy it. However, I will want to prioritize maintaining and improving strength over time. What programming should I consider for strength training and BJJ at that time?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Cutting 2-3 lbs a week is, honestly, a disaster for strength for someone who has, like you already developed a solid baseline. It's just so much so fast, you're going to crash a bit. If you were cutting at 1/2 lb a week, strength maintenance is a lot easier, in my experience.

    That said, you can probably continue the 4 day split and be just fine, what you need to do is reduce the volume and intensity and understand also that intensity will be calculated from a lower number, since your max while and after cutting won't be what it was before. Not that we're using %s to rigidly assign weights for a 12 week block or anything, but even week to week.

    If 4x/week plus BJJ is too much time, 2 or 3 days a week can work to maintain some too. I wouldn't go down below 2 days a week. 1 heavy squat, 1 light or medium squat, 1 bench, 1 press, 1 deadlift using cleans for 2-4 warm-up sets, 1 BB Row/Alternate with Clean, and chins one or both days.

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