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Thread: LP to HLM

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default LP to HLM

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I think I'm ready to move on from my novice linear progression. I've been lifting for the last year, unfortunately somewhat intermittently (not doing the program!), so I've had a lot of big resets from time off. To answer the "first three questions", I rest 5-8 minutes between sets (8 minutes on Squats, they have been brutal). I've been using 2.5 lb jumps on press and 5 lbs on everything else. I'm approaching 30 lbs in weigh gain, which while maybe not as high as it could be, I don't think it's terrible. I've only gained weight during periods of lifting, during the intermittent time off I scale back on calories and maintain body weight. I usually get about 8 hours of sleep a night but it's often interrupted sleep. I have two medically complex kids with gastrostomy tubes and I have to wake up to feed the infant in the middle of the night.

    I'm 36, almost up to 200 lb body weight, started at just over 170. My best completed sets are:

    Squat: 300
    Deadlift: 330
    Bench: 190
    Press: 137.5

    I've tried 305 twice. The first time I finished my first set but failed the first rep of my second set. I think some of it was just psychological. I dropped 10 lbs from the bar for my next workout. When I went back to 305 I got 2 good sets but it felt brutal. My third set I finished but I cheated the last rep or two by not hitting depth. I don't think I could have finished it otherwise.

    I've already changed Wed squats to a light day. This past week I also switched bench/press to compressed Texas method as outlined here: Intermediate Programming for the Upper Body Lifts | Nick Delgadillo

    My goals are to get my lifts up to 500/400/300/200, stay healthy, and continue to gain weight. I'm trying to get to 215 before I try to lose some of the fat I've gained. Due to current time restraints I need to stay on a 3 day a week program. I've read some of Andy Bakers material on HLM (mostly going off of this Heavy-Light-Medium (16 FAQs) - Andy Baker ), and this is what I have right now for a program:

    Monday: Heavy squat 1x5 with 3-4x5 backoff sets. 5x5 Bench (Volume day). Medium DL, maybe 3x5?

    Wednesday: Light squat 3x5. 5x5 strict press (volume day). Chin ups 3 x AMRAP

    Friday: Medium squat 4x5. 6x1 press and 1x5 Bench (intensity day). Heavy Deadlift 1x5.

    Does that seem reasonable for a someone transitioning to intermediate programming? With the added squat volume I'm guessing I should drop the intensity a little bit for my starting weight on Heavy day?
    Last edited by Mike Geoghegan; 01-05-2020 at 12:50 PM. Reason: Typo

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2020


    Disclamer: I'm not a SSC.

    My opinion being roughly the same age and weight but a bit stronger and a bit more time doing the program:

    Squat 3X5 - Heavy
    Bench 3X5 - Heavy
    Press 6X3 - Light EMOM
    DL 3 X 5 - Light

    Squat 3 X 5 - Light (75%)
    Narrow Grip Bench 3X5
    Pullups 3 Sets
    BB Row - 3 X 8

    Squat 3X5 - Medium (85% of Monday)
    Press 3 X 5 - Heavy
    DL 1 X 5 - Heavy

    The hardest part of this transition is understanding that the stress even is no longer a single session, rather it is the cumulation of all three sessions.

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