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Thread: Novice Deadlift, Failed reps.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2022
    SW MO

    Default Novice Deadlift, Failed reps.

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    I started the NLP at the beginning of the month. Probably started at weights that were a little to high, because I was quite sore the first couple workouts. Pretty common mistake with men from what I read. On the deadlift I've been making the 10# jumps. Fridays workout the deadlifts felt pretty heavy. I thought I'ld be well rested over the weekend and I'ld squeeze 1 more week of 10# jumps, just trying to increase the weight difference between the squat and deadlifts. Monday's workout went well. Wednesday, I woke up well before usual, SO I went to the gym. Squats and Bench went well. Warmed up the deadlift. Then for the work set I got 2 reps locked out, took a few deep breathes and reset. Couldn't move the bar off the floor. Reset again, pulled the slack out and it just wouldn't come off the ground.
    I've been sleeping decent, eating well. I walk a lot for work, but no running or other exercise, just the program.

    Height 5'11'', Weight 230
    Starting lifts were, Squats 155, Press 85, Bench 145, Deadlift 205
    Wednesday's were, Squats 190, Bench 155, Deadlift 275

    I'm thinking of going to a 270# Deadlift and take 5 pound jumps from there until it feels like I'm not recovering, then adding in the PowerCleans.

    Any thoughts on better options?

    Thank you,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Indianapolis, IN


    Try 5lb jumps and see what happens. That's most likely your problem: check this article out.

    Getting a form check wouldn't be a bad idea either though.
    Starting Strength Indianapolis is up and running. Sign up for a free 30-minute coaching session.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


    What are you using for your deadlift grip?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2022
    SW MO


    Quote Originally Posted by JJ23 View Post
    What are you using for your deadlift grip?
    Double overhand, Tried the hook a couple times, but figured I should do the overhand as long as possible so I don't handicap my grip strength.

    Friday I dropped the weight back to 270 and pulled all five. It felt like the bar was slipping, even with chalk.

    Today I pulled 275 for 5. Used straps on the work set. First time I've used them since my last NLP run.

    Still moving up.

    Thank you, Lonnie

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Don't Artificially Limit Your Lifts | Mark Rippetoe

    Why do I write these things if you won't read them?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


    I don't understand why everyone tries to stay double overhand; there's no trophy for it. Use it for warm ups then switch. You'll notice your last warm up will feel harder than your work set. That's how much difference the more secure grip makes.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by JJ23 View Post
    Use it for warm ups then switch. You'll notice your last warm up will feel harder than your work set.
    Are people actually able to maintain doing so indefinitely? I haven't been able to do all my warm-ups conventional for a long time. My best conventional is probably only about 70% of my deadlift. Never have anything even close to grip failure (I hook) on my worksets, though, so I guess it doesn't particularly matter (and hook grip trains grip too, of course)--although perhaps grip failure comes about very suddenly. I dunno.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


    Indefinitely is a long time. I know my double overhand training is enough that my alternating is not in any risk of being dropped. Your only goal is to get your grip strong enough to make sure that your work sets are secured.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2019


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by zft View Post
    Are people actually able to maintain doing so indefinitely? I haven't been able to do all my warm-ups conventional for a long time. My best conventional is probably only about 70% of my deadlift. Never have anything even close to grip failure (I hook) on my worksets, though, so I guess it doesn't particularly matter (and hook grip trains grip too, of course)--although perhaps grip failure comes about very suddenly. I dunno.
    Wrote this when I was tired, "conventional" in my tired brain meant "conventional grip" i.e., double overhand.

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