Video of the deadlift?
39 year old male
152 lbs, 5'1"
My squat will pass my deadlift before long if I don't change either programming or technique.
Last squat was 370x3x5
Last successful deadlift set was 395x1x5
I went for 405 today and got one rep.
Squat and pull program looks like this:
M - squat and snatch
W - light squat, deadlift
F - squat and snatch
I am considering replacing snatches with a light (80%) conventional deadlift to shore up technique issues and accumulate some training stress.
Can anyone tell me how I might determine if my problem is too much or too little stress?
Video of the deadlift?
deadlift @ 375 - YouTube
A few weeks ago
This thread is relevant:
Imitating stretch reflex for deadlifts and cleans?
I don't think that's what he's saying. I am saying that you have not read the book.
It's a line from Dumb and Dumber when Lloyd misinterprets "one in a million" as actually having a chance. I actually just listened to your gravelly baritone narrate the blue book in audio form. A deadlift technique overhaul is in order for me.
Two lifts from today
315 with double OHG
deadlift at 315 - YouTube
385 with mixed grip
deadlift mixed grip - YouTube
My target lift was 405x1x5 and I only got 1 rep.
What do? Backoff sets?