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Thread: Recommendations to run deadlift up

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.T View Post
    Yah I already drink about a half gallon a day and take about 60-80g whey isolate.
    Time to double the milk. Also, eat a jar of peanut butter every day. You are pretty underweight for your height, you should bring out the big guns.

  2. #22
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    Aug 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.T View Post
    My belt hasn't arrived yet, but I did do my deadlifts outside today (vs. inside the house which has pier and beam foundation)...

    I was able to make all 5 reps today and felt like I can put another 5lbs on the bar so I think I'm back to moving forward.

    I wore a sweatshirt today outside and the belt I normally use didn't gouge the shit out of my ribs this time.

    I will hopefully have that belt soon and we shall give 320lbs a go. I did my 315 squat with 3 sets of triples and a few backoff sets at 225. The 225 felt really light after I did the triples.

    If I can ever get hands on a bottle of Widow Jane's Decadence I am going to send SS crew a bottle as a token of my appreciation.
    Well I pulled 325lb today for 5 reps. Going to work on running this up to 405 and will add rack pulls here soon. The dominion single ply belt was perfect and didn't gouge the shit out of me like my other belt. Going to use this as my dedicated deadlift belt from here on out.

    If you are on the fence with picking a belt, the Dominion SS belt is a solid purchase and you should pull the trigger.

  3. #23
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    I managed to get up to 325 on my squat for one set of 5 reps and two backoff sets at this point would adding a few more back off sets at say 225 help to get some more volume?

    I started doing rack pulls. Conservatively, how many pounds over my deadlift should I begin with? Deadlift is at 330lbs.

    I started to add some incline bench press on my bench day. That should help my press progress no? My press seems to be sticking at 140lbs for triples for now. My shoulder was bugging me last session and I had to lower the weight a lil bit to get through it. I probably need to start doing the pin presses.

  4. #24
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    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.T View Post
    I managed to get up to 325 on my squat for one set of 5 reps and two backoff sets at this point would adding a few more back off sets at say 225 help to get some more volume?
    By what mechanism does lifting 70% of your 5RM for "the volume" make you stronger?

    I started doing rack pulls. Conservatively, how many pounds over my deadlift should I begin with? Deadlift is at 330lbs.
    You have prematurely started rack pulls.

    I started to add some incline bench press on my bench day. That should help my press progress no? My press seems to be sticking at 140lbs for triples for now. My shoulder was bugging me last session and I had to lower the weight a lil bit to get through it. I probably need to start doing the pin presses.
    What is wrong with just doing the program? Do you think we have left some things out?

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    By what mechanism does lifting 70% of your 5RM for "the volume" make you stronger?

    You have prematurely started rack pulls.

    What is wrong with just doing the program? Do you think we have left some things out?
    Well I followed it up to about 315lb on my squat. I felt the progress slowing and knew it was time to try something else. Would I be better off just doing triples? As your books state, you can only exhaust the newb gains from the LP for about 6 months....I'm right at that point...and I'm old....

    I managed two sets of 315 the other night and knew I was pretty much out of gas at that point which I why I went to 295 and did a few more sets at that weight with good form. Once I get 315 on the bar I have tendency to slide the bar down too low by the 5th rep.

    Wouldn't rack pulls be beneficial to drive up normal dealift if more weight can be put on the rackpull? Isn't that the point of doing them? I'd prefer not to do the rack pulls honestly because I don't want to fuck up my nice bars and also because I have to set that shit down gently to I don't fuck up my foundation. I can't just drop deadlifts or rackpulls quickly like I see people do unless I do my deadlifts outside. (Which I do most of the time)

  6. #26
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    North Texas


    Pay attention, T. I asked you a couple of important questions, and you ignored them.

    By what mechanism does lifting 70% of your 5RM for "the volume" make you stronger?

    What is wrong with just doing the program? Do you think we have left some things out?

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Pay attention, T. I asked you a couple of important questions, and you ignored them.

    By what mechanism does lifting 70% of your 5RM for "the volume" make you stronger?

    What is wrong with just doing the program? Do you think we have left some things out?
    Well if that 70% number goes up 5lbs a week isn't that still LP...just a bit slower to get there?

    I don't think anything is wrong with the program, I just at the point where the reps on that last set of 5 are maybe a lil higher than they should be and a slow grinder. (I've only had to set the bar on the pins a few times mainly to not keeping tight enough on the bottom. I usually go down 10% of the 5RM on the backoff If I did one set of 5 at 325 the following backoff sets were at 295.

    I have a few sets on video and will post a link once I get it uploaded.

    As always, Thanks for the guidance.

  8. #28
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    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.T View Post
    Well if that 70% number goes up 5lbs a week isn't that still LP...just a bit slower to get there?
    What would be driving the 70% up? Wouldn't that be the heavier work sets?

  9. #29
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    Aug 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    What would be driving the 70% up? Wouldn't that be the heavier work sets?
    I see what you mean...I keep failing reps at the end of the week on squat...I think 3's would be doable, but I seem to only be able to do a full heavy set of 5 on monday. I tried 325 for a triple early today and failed on the last rep...just out of gas. I prefer working out at around 4 or 5pm since I've had more meals in me. Today I trained after breakfast...I felt off but pushed through the best I could.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jovan Dragisic View Post
    Time to double the milk. Also, eat a jar of peanut butter every day. You are pretty underweight for your height, you should bring out the big guns.
    I've been doing peanut butter on bread lately. I'd go broke if I did a jar a day. You think I am underweight now, you should have seen me 6 months ago...yeah I got a ways to go. Goal is to get to 195...then when I get there we will go another 10

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    There must be something wrong with what you are eating. I have also struggled with weight and money but I weigh more than you now at the same height without adding that much milk or protein shakes yet.

    So what the heck do you eat?

    I can't believe I weigh more than someone here so thanks for making me feel better I guess.

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