Quote Originally Posted by docoftheworld View Post
Thank you all for the valuable input.
I've decided to separate the lifts across more days: squats and deadlifts on one day, bench press and overhead press on another. I'll need to develop a suitable programming approach for this split. Having a home gym allows for this increased training frequency.
I've also reached out to Rip about improving my deadlift tightness. Maintaining proper bracing has been a persistent challenge, leading to previous tweaks and injuries during squats. The SBD belt has been tremendously helpful for squats - I can't recommend it enough. Unfortunately, it hasn't resolved the tightness issues for deadlifts.
Any suggestions on programming this new split or addressing the deadlift bracing problem would be greatly appreciated.
Getting tight for the squat and getting tight for the deadlift are very different skills. If you try a bottoms-up pin squat, or a top-down deadlift (taking the bar off of low hooks to start), you might get some insight into how they differ.

(That is NOT a programming recommendation, just a one-off demonstration idea...)