She did tell me today that as t she wanted to try to get stronger. I think she feels comfortable with DL and bench so I think we’ll just try those once a week and see how it goes.
I think I’ll just have her do 3 x 5 on bench (assuming we would microload pretty quickly and switch to 3s when needed)
Then work up to a heavy set on DLs. I suppose I’ll have to just monitor progress and see if a 2nd set would be needed to drive progress since it’s only once a week.
Any other thoughts?
The most important thing is that she remains comfortable.
Just wanted to update you guys on how things have gone so far in case it is helpful to anyone in the future.
After about 8 weeks of training, my wife has been averaging approximately 1.5 sessions a week. One a week sometimes, and twice a week on others. Despite this slight inconsistency, she has made good progress.
Deadlift has gone from 93lbs to 163lbs for sets (up 70 lbs)
Bench has gone from 78lbs to 95lbs (up 17 lbs) for sets.
She has also transitioned from goblet squats with dumbbells to high bar squats(her choice) about 3 weeks ago and has been progressing those up as well.
She also does lat pulldowns, and one set of triceps and one of biceps each workout.
All in all, it has gone well and she is happy with her progress. Just wanted to update you guys. Thanks for all your help and input.