it takes your body/mind some time to get used to the effects of training. you may be getting some proprioceptive feedback that you interpret as pain, when it may just be your body reacting to a new stimulus. it takes more than a few months to get strong and to make the structural changes that positvely impact your pain threshold. i would contiinue to work through it and try to get strong. there is nothing inherently dangerous about lifting if you are doing the movements with somewhat correct form, bc they are natural movements we are designed to make. i would think that after a while you will get more used to the perception of pain and not let it bother you as much. i have been training for 7 years and still get low back tweaks. the difference now is that i dont freak out about it or take time off and baby it. i usually modify slightly if there is acute pain, then try to get right back into it. good luck