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Thread: Training Keeps Getting Derailed, Advice Please

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2023


    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    He did say he got the standard "your back is fucked up" MRI diagnosis.

    But you are squatting wrong. Try squatting right.

    These severe back injuries seem to be unconnected to lifting.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2024


    I'll continue to work on my form. I realize now that I was concentrating most at getting it correct in the downward movement (ass back, chest to floor, head looking at the correct spot, knees out) and not much on the upward. I'm unsure how using the MARRS bar effects back angle, etc. Will update progress over the next couple months. Thanks.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2024


    Quick update. Starting on 9/30/24, I was training twice per week. Bench / Squat on Mondays and Press / Deadlift on Wednesdays. I did this for two reasons:
    1. I found that I could not golf and train and recover at 3 days per week.
    2. I wanted to start low and slow to get my body ready for the hard work coming up.

    Now that golf season is effectively over this time of year and I have 2 months of training in, I just moved to 3 days per week.

    This is my first week moving to 3 days per week. Monday: Squat / Bench / Deadlift, Wednesday: Press / Deadlift, Saturday: Squat / Press / Bench. With the goal of this change to get all 4 lifts done twice per week, while keeping the load on my lower spine to a minimum per training day. Back is a little sore this morning, but so far so good. I'm also transitioning to a 2.5lb increase on the press and bench.

    Starting weights: Press - 65, Bench - 105, Squat - 115, Deadlift - 135

    Current weights: 100, 145, 165, 180 (respectively)

    Body weight: 228.5

    As bad as I want to get into respectable numbers, I am in no hurry. As too much, too soon has always led to injuries and training derailment in the past.

    Will post form videos on all 4 lifts in the near future.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Western PA


    Bucket. I get low back pain sometimes but I wonder if yours radiates down ass and leg or just in are of low back. I don’t worry about pain if not radiating and I’m assuming my back needs to get stronger. Obviously you are responsible for your own health and decisions but for me I just went down to squatting twice weekly instead of three tomes weekly and sometimes I only do two sets. I have a rod in my left lower leg and right hip replaced so I understand worry that comes with squats and deadlifts but I still lift heavy just not as often.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2024


    Quote Originally Posted by vanscyoc View Post
    Bucket. I get low back pain sometimes but I wonder if yours radiates down ass and leg or just in are of low back. I don’t worry about pain if not radiating and I’m assuming my back needs to get stronger. Obviously you are responsible for your own health and decisions but for me I just went down to squatting twice weekly instead of three tomes weekly and sometimes I only do two sets. I have a rod in my left lower leg and right hip replaced so I understand worry that comes with squats and deadlifts but I still lift heavy just not as often.
    The pain doesn't normally radiate. It has on rare occasion.

    Currently things are going well. I made a modification pretty quickly into my 3 day per week training, as squat and DL on the same day is a no-no for my back. I am doing an A & B program, much like the NLP, on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. A = Bench & Squat and B = Press and DL. So A, B, A and then B, A, B the next week. Weight has gone up and sets are being completed. I'm at all time PRs in everything except bench. Wish I knew about SS 20-25 years ago.

    For some reason I woke up on Tuesday with left shoulder pain. I benched the night before. There were no pain queues during or after the lift session. Went to bed fine and woke up to a tweak. Found it strange and of course worrisome, as to what to do about it. I press tonight and am going to see how it feels as I move up the warm-up ladder.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2024


    Update: After pushing through some left shoulder pain and continuing to go up on the weight, the pain, popping & cracking got bad enough that I decided I had to give it a break and do some "pre-hab" work. I did try a 10% deload on bench and saw no positive effect. I'm sure Rip is considering banning me from the forum right now...LOL. I was having a hard time putting my left arm in my coat. I did film all my sessions to ensure proper grip width and form. All signs pointed to some muscle imbalances in my upper back and rear shoulder. So I am pausing bench and press and am doing some chin style pull downs & seated cable rows on deadlift day and some facepulls and turkish getups on squat day.

    I've heard Rip say to stop benching and just continue pressing, but my thoughts are that if some of my muscles are behind, if I am upping the weight every session, how can they ever catch up? I also considered a massive (20+%) deload, but with almost everything in 'weight training problem solving' being guess and check, I went the other way. With no meets in my near future (or maybe ever), the slight time loss risk seemed a better choice than potentially injuring myself. I'm doing pull downs and rows with more weight than I can press. I am doing nothing with a 3lb dumbbell. There is no pain my pre-hab training.

    After just a couple sessions, the shoulder is feeling much better. I figure 2 maybe 3 weeks should be enough to test out the presses again.

    Current weight - 218 (dry January)

    Press - 125
    Bench - 170
    Squat - 215
    Deadlift - 235

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Don't you think it would be a good idea to get a diagnosis of the injury?

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2024


    It's definitely something I am considering if this doesn't work. As someone who has been to the doctor for pain and then sent to PT multiple times, I am trying to avoid that entire process if I can. If I could walk into an MRI place and get imaging and reading without all the rigmarole, I would have done it yesterday.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Let me remind you that you do not belong to the doctor. He works for you. You do not have to go to PT, and if you ask him for an MRI, he'll call it in. Ask him on the phone.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2024


    starting strength coach development program
    After some "pre-hab" time, I've switched up and am now doing dumbbell presses & pin bench presses. In doing both, I am not experiencing the same pain issues as with standard barbell style. I did drop the weight down on the presses in an effort to get my left shoulder to catch up. Even with 30lb dumbbells, I can tell it's much weaker that my right, both in stabilizing the weight and pressing up.

    Squat and Deadlift are still progressing nicely. Form videos to follow.

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