If by "phase 2" you mean alternating the deadlift with power cleans, yes. Go ahead.
How is your squat?
5'10 38 year old male
35 training sessions
First 19 sessions NDTP (did the four big phase 1 lifts but added "assistance" exercises)
Bodyweight from 164 lbs to 184 lbs
I did phase 1 longer than the 1-3 weeks mentioned here because my deadlift kept going up three times a week.
I started at 132 lbs 1x5 and attempted 298 lbs yesterday, but only got 3 reps.
Would it be reasonable to reattempt 298 one more time, and faililng that switch to phase 2?
Thank you
If by "phase 2" you mean alternating the deadlift with power cleans, yes. Go ahead.
How is your squat?
Yes, that's what I meant. The article I linked to splits the NLP into three phases.
My squat is at 225 for 3 sets of 5.
Yesterday I successfully reattempted the 298 deadlift for a set of 5. Do you still think I should start alternating power cleans?
Cool, time to learn cleaning. Thanks for the assessment.