I'm 50 years old. 6' , 202lb last time I checked. I started the SS program a year ago. Before that was in pretty good shape but had never done any weight training before.
I found that the biggest challenge presented by being a bit older that the average person starting out with weightlifting is injuries, caused mostly because I was in a rush to increase the weights. The older body definitely needs more time to adjust to changes, but it certainly can get out of shape fast.
As you can see below I spent the first few months playing with injuries before some good linear progressing was possible.
I started the program 11/12 and on 11/24 pulled something in lower back during squats. So i reset the weights and rested.
Started back up on 12/8 and pulled it again on 12/22. Hey but at least it happened at a new PR.
With resting and rehab during the holiday I started back up 1/8. This lasted until 1/28 when had another injury and Febuary was a loss because of work and the birth of twins, my 6th and 7th children.
So started back up early March and progressed well, no back issues. However, my left bicep started complain vigorously due to low bar squat position.
So I stopped again to work on improving flexibility, some CF, and trying to get the babies to sleep at night. By the end of May I was ready to try SS again.
From 5/27 through 10/5 I had a good run of linear progression. through that time nothing broke and I was able to perform well.
However, it was not to last that 10/5 work out produces a very nicely torn adductor in my left leg.
This week I am starting out again. Hopefully everything will hold together for a long while time.