I do something pretty close to SS with some heavy OL singles in the beginning and, occasionally, a heavy/short metcon warmdown and it generally lasts 1.5-2 hours. Times are creeping up as the weights get heavy though.
I do something pretty close to SS with some heavy OL singles in the beginning and, occasionally, a heavy/short metcon warmdown and it generally lasts 1.5-2 hours. Times are creeping up as the weights get heavy though.
I'm right around an hour. Admittedly, my rest periods are probably way too short. I average, maybe, 2 - 3 min between sets. Is 8 min. pretty normal for a program like SS?
waiting 2-3 minutes is going to kill your progress. Take at least 5 minutes or more. Unless you are on a clock and need to be somewhere, the most important thing is to get your work done, as long as you dont cool down from a break which is too long.
monday Texas Method is 2:30
wed 1:15
fri 1:45
Seems like no matter what, I'm at 2hrs. Still on SS, I take 10min between squats, like 5-7 on pressing movements, and about 90sec on powercleans cause they feel light. Oh, and about 5 min on chin/back ext. sets.
I'm really not looking forward to volume day of TM when I go intermediate. 2.5hrs is nuts.
Damn. I guess I really better lengthen my rest periods. I had no idea I was rushing things so much. Squats and power cleans still feel relatively easy, but everything else is a grind -- 5 min breaks would help a ton. I'm cool with 2+ hours if that means I can keep making progress. What do you guys do with deads considering there is only 1 work set? I'm hardly resting at all between warm-up sets...
I never rest long between warm up sets - 30 seconds at most. Pressing is a bitch; it certainly demands more than 5 minutes of rest or you'll be grinding on those reps like they're the heaviest damned things you've ever lifted. I just warm up with deads and wait 7 minutes or so, being refreshed means a stronger back which means easier lumbar extension which means no injuries.