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Thread: Programming Segregation

  1. #1

    Default Programming Segregation

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Trying something out here.

    I like to train the Big Three to distraction and with lots of volume during my main cycles. I squat and bench a lot and depending on the cycle I'll deadlift a lot or a little.

    Mainly because I'm between so many things right now (residence, gyms, religions) and because I need a break from the big, main movements I'm doing the Other Stuff: front squat, power clean, press and weighted chins.

    First, it seems that a focus on the Big Three really does keep strength up on the secondary lifts. My PRs are all the same from last time I checked and it would appear that with a little practice the strength gains I got on squats and benches are already showing up in the Other lifts. I'm very excited by how only a couple days of 3x3 are pushing me toward new PRs here.

    Also, these secondary lifts are all very upper back intensive. It's probably just edema at this point, but my upper back, lats and delts are looking better than they have in months. And I'm sure the strength I gain in the upper back here in this quick, two-week cycle will help when I go back to Big Three focus.

    I bring all this up because I usually struggle with a bit of guilt for not addressing the secondary lifts during my normal cycle. But segregating them this way looks like it will actually work out well. I like the idea of separate focus a lot. "Do fewer things better" and all that. Exclusive focus on the bread and butter "money" movements is a Good Thing, but changing up like this at the end of a couple of cycles is probably also a really Good Thing.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I have not got anything useful to say. But dude, you post videos of yourself squatting in your underwear on the youtube?

    Thats actually kind of awesome in a twisted way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Dude, Gary. I really appreciate and enjoy your insights and the discussions you start, but I don't wanna know you in your tighty-briefs, bro.
    I forgive you, and this is an easy fix.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Smiler Grogan View Post
    Dude, Gary. I really appreciate and enjoy your insights and the discussions you start, but I don't wanna know you in your tighty-briefs, bro.
    I forgive you, and this is an easy fix.
    Aw man, that was for all de ladeez...

    But fine: I'll set that one clip to private. Apologies for any lasting emotional damage.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Oh come on, we're just fuckin witcha, Gary. I'm proud of you for owning your right to wear manties anywhere and anyhow you want.

  6. #6


    Ha! Just for that I think I'm going to go ahead and post the FULL FRONTAL of my 225x3 Front SQ. Lots of jiggling during the setup. You'll all be in therapy for years.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    starting strength coach development program

    Front Squats, presses power cleans and weighted chins are secondary lifts, but probibly only in the most technical definition of the word. They are as big a mover power movement as anything (next to our beloved back squats) and the fact that your introducing variety into your training will cause adaptation for sure. Good luck.

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