Rotator Cuff sore as fuck. No real strength in a few positions of my right shoulder. Shit. My clumsy ass slipped on some ice and pow. Fuck. Anyway, range of movement getting slowly better and less painfull (today I can press with a broomstick)and I can still pin myself under the bar and do squats. No real pain in that position thank Christ. Looks like it's time for a involuntary Solomov considering I cant really do anything else. Any experience with this from you gentleman? Just pissed and needing to vent. Thanks.
Give it a day or two, keep the limb in as much full ROM on resisted motion as you can that has you NOT moving into the pain thresh hold. try and go a bit further at al; times in largeing the are that is pain free. Ice rest plenty of intake, NSAIDS as needed. If you know a good soft tissue therapist go get it worked on.
No need to get excited and take drastic measures like change your whole training plan. Its just a bit of Fibromangina acting up rest it a few days and slowly move back to what you were prior.
Thanks Guys(phil, nis). Made a new squat 5rm today, but pain pain pain. Went to the Chiropractor and had a electric treatment. Said it was a sprain or strain. We'll see. Plenty of rest. Ice, etc. Wish me luck. Shouldn't de-train too much in a week,or so...the hard part will be letting it rest
Last edited by ZKP; 12-22-2009 at 01:04 PM.