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Thread: Start SS now or later - i need to do pull ups

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Start SS now or later - i need to do pull ups

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    I have a little dilemma at the moment, thought i get some opinions on:

    1. I have a physical fitness test in about 2 months time. I have no problems passing the stations, except for the pull ups. I can only manage 1 or 2. I need to clear at least 6 to pass.

    2. I'm rather skinny, and have started doing the SS workout about 2 weeks back - been eating lots and GOMAD.

    I'd like to stay on the SS course, but i realise that my bodyweight is increasing, and will continue to increase at the rate i'm eating now. This is kinda a problem for me, since i don't think my pull up strength is going to increase that fast.

    My alternative is to eat normally, and focus on pull ups first.

    What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Whatre the consequences if you fail the pullups? Are there any criteria for them, in other words, is kipping permitted? Cause that would definitely make them easier.

    If I was you, I would attempt to incorporate pullups into the SS program as an assistance exercise. Try that out for a couple weeks. Thats just my advice though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    I'm kinda in the same exact situation as OP. I don't know about OP, but i don't think i can manage even 1 unassisted pull ups if i do as assistance exercise in SS because it's in the last exercise and the main lifts would have tired out my upper body, if i can do only 1 or 2 pull ups when fresh(done as 1st exercise, as OP mentioned.)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    I think 2 months is plenty of time to increase your upper-body strength necessary to do 6 pullups.
    Try to do 1 more upper body assistance exercise after the core SS lifts. I am trying bench/press backoff sets after my SS lifts, since my upper body is weak as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by tennisgod View Post
    I think 2 months is plenty of time to increase your upper-body strength necessary to do 6 pullups.
    I do too. For a skinny guy especially, I think you'll have no problem bringing your pullups past 6 at the same time youre working the basic SS lifts.

    Does your facility have weighted bands or a means to assist the pullups? Ive added 5 dead-hangs to my max in the last 3 weeks using assistance and training them every workout.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodninja666 View Post
    Does your facility have weighted bands or a means to assist the pullups? Ive added 5 dead-hangs to my max in the last 3 weeks using assistance and training them every workout.
    Do you mind sharing how you program the assisted pull ups you mentioned? And why would you want to use band when you can do at least 1 dead hang pull up? Because i heard once you reach 1 pull up, you do 1, then rest, then do another 1, using this method to improve.


  7. #7
    Kyle Schuant Guest


    Just do pullups, etc on your non-weight training days. Your 1 or 2 can become 8-12 in 2 months, no problems. In each bodyweight workout in the first week, do a total of 10 pullups - if it's 2,1,1, etc doesn't matter, just get a total of 15.

    Next week, a total of 20. And so on, adding 5 a week. So in the eighth week you'll be doing a total of 50, you should be able to do 8-10 in one go then.

    No need for bands or anything like that, keep it simple.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle Aaron View Post
    Just do pullups, etc on your non-weight training days. Your 1 or 2 can become 8-12 in 2 months, no problems. In each bodyweight workout in the first week, do a total of 10 pullups - if it's 2,1,1, etc doesn't matter, just get a total of 15.

    Next week, a total of 20. And so on, adding 5 a week. So in the eighth week you'll be doing a total of 50, you should be able to do 8-10 in one go then.

    No need for bands or anything like that, keep it simple.
    Do you mean, for example, if i am doing SS program,

    Monday: SS Workout
    Tuesday: 10 pull ups spread through out the day
    Wed: SS Workout
    Thursday: 10 pull ups spread through out the day
    Fri: SS Workout
    Sat: 10 pull ups spread through out the day
    Sun: Rest

    And add 5 pull ups a day each week?

    Would this lead to overtraining? Because i'm afraid that upper body might not be able to recover for SS workouts...and rip always say not to fuck his program up, haha

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Thanks for the replies! Guess the only consequence, is the embarrassment of hanging there on the pull-up bar like an idiot... and oh, i'd have to go on a "get-fit" workout 3 times a week - circuit training. Now that would really mess up my SS plans.

    I think i stick with the SS plan, and add pull ups whenever possible. They've got a pull-up machine at my gym, with counterweights to assist while you're standing on the platform, but the handles seem too far apart, and i just can't seem to get enough pull. Using that assist seems unnatural.

    Will go with the bodyweight pull-ups, and do multiple sets of 1 or 2 (yes.. 2 is my max.) on off-days. And GOMAD! Hopefully that'll help with recovery.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Atlanta, GA


    starting strength coach development program
    Here is a good program for increasing your pull ups.

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