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Thread: Deadlift grip question

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aslin View Post
    hook is the same as double overhand except thumbs are on the inside?
    Yes, your grip is double overhand, otherwise known as "pronated". The difference is that you wrap your index and middle fingers over your thumb; thereby creating a "hook". Take a look at these images to show you how you do it:

    You'll need a break-in period for your thumb to adjust to the pressure, but it happens quickly. You'll also develop calluses in all the right places. Once you adjust, you'll feel like you could hold onto a battleship.

    Hope this helps!

    ~ bif ~
    Last edited by Bif; 04-03-2010 at 01:47 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    San Antonio, TX


    Got some conflicting information to my question...

    I do use chalk and I have stuck with overhand grip because it hasn't failed yet. My guess is that I could probably do 500 for reps right now with an alternate grip, but I am doing SS which means it'll be another month and a half before I ever get to that weight. So, should I switch grips NOW or AFTER I'm unable to perform reps overhand? I've never used a hook grip; if that's better than a mixed grip should I switch next Wednesday when deadlift time comes up again, or gut it out with overhand at 355, see if my grip fails, then switch if in fact I cannot complete the reps?

    The ambiguity of answers to my initial question is probably due to my inability to discern the timeline implied.

  3. #13
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    Double overhand is the hardest, so it trains your grip the most.
    It's fairly simple; use OH as long as it doesn't interfere with your deadlifting, then switch to hook or mixed. A chain is only as strong as the weakest link, and if your grip is failing, you're not training your back/hamstrings/etc fully.

    If you want to make the switch early to avoid any potential missed reps, then go for it (hook and mixed take a bit of practice anyway). You'll miss out on a bit of grip training, but you can add in a bit of grip training on top.
    Forearms are relatively small muscles, so you're unlikely to affect your recovery much by adding in extra grip training.

  4. #14
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    That's around the point where I switched to mixed grip, too. I failed one workout because of grip and then said, "Shuck that jive!" and started mixing grip. Sometimes as I'm stripping the bar I'll DL 315 double overhand and do a static hold to work grip so I don't feel wimpy.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bradeep View Post
    So, should I switch grips NOW or AFTER I'm unable to perform reps overhand?
    NOW. Switch NOW. Don't wait for a stall to switch. I have made these mistakes. Learn from them.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by PVC View Post
    NOW. Switch NOW. Don't wait for a stall to switch. I have made these mistakes. Learn from them.

    As someone else mentioned earlier in this thread, I'll probably do 1 rep at 315 for time after my workset just to focus on grip strength.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bradeep View Post
    or gut it out with overhand at 355, see if my grip fails, then switch if in fact I cannot complete the reps?

    This. Give your grip a chance - if you haven't failed yet, it is getting stronger, and maybe it will continue to get strong enough to maintain a double overhand grip for awhile. Why cut it short? Use double overhand as often as possible, and THEN switch to mixed or hook grip. If you aren't failing, it's fine. As soon as you fail, the switch will be there to continue your set.

  8. #18
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    Idiot me...put on 365 (not 355), did 3 reps overhand then had to switch to mixed grip for the final 2. Didn't realize the math error until I was recording the set. Felt *really* light with mixed grip, though.

    Also, does this make any sense to anyone? First set of squats was okay, then last rep of second set I felt like I really had to struggle to do the last rep. Had to grunt to finish it. Got pissed off and destroyed the third set like it was 135. I literally felt twice as strong on my last set as the previous two.

  9. #19
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    Never experienced rage/adrenaline before?

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by hatmanii View Post
    Never experienced rage/adrenaline before?
    Of course, but this was something completely different. I wasn't raging mad or anything, just annoyed that the last rep was difficult. I had rested maybe 1 1/2 minutes between 1st and 2nd set, then 3 1/2 before the 3rd, so that might have something to do with it. It's only 285 anyway, so not like I'm pushing massive amounts of weight.

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