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Thread: Need an opinion!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Need an opinion!

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello people,

    I've been on SS for 6 weeks now. And i've kind of hit a dead end and need some advice. I'm 24, 6'1 and before starting the program i weighed 205lb. After 6 weeks i lost all the fat and now i weigh 180lb. I was a total novice, never worked out before in my life and my lifts sucked balls in the start.

    Now my figures are:

    Squat= 190 lb 3 x 5
    Bench= 125 lb 3 x 5
    Deadlift= 225lb 1 x 5
    Press= 90lb 3 x 5

    I feel like im about to stall. I dont think i will be able to make the progression in the next two workouts without compromising form. So my questions are,

    1) Should i after plateau go down 60 lb on all the lifts, and start a hypertrophy regime? Come back to my current lifts or continue with the linear progression.

    2) I workout deadlifts and squat 3 times a week alternating the bench and press. I can't do power cleans because i dont have bumper plates, and no place in a 200 mile radius to me has them lol. Do you think working the deadlift is too much?

    3) Any comments about the figures, improvement for a complete novice in 6 weeks?

    Thanks for your input!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Time to gain the weight back, this time as mostly muscle. Have you read the book or these forums? You should do so and you would realize that the reason you are stalling is because you do not weigh enough. Eat some food.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by TomC View Post
    Time to gain the weight back, this time as mostly muscle. Have you read the book or these forums? You should do so and you would realize that the reason you are stalling is because you do not weigh enough. Eat some food.
    Thank you Tomc. I think I have been eating right. My diet before was JUST beer lol hence the weight or in reality i was actually very skinny. Stick arms, huge stomach. When i started lifting and i quit beer, i drastically lost all my weight. I think i might have lost about 35 pounds of fat and put on 10 pounds of muscles. I'm not a big eater but i try. This is what my diet looks like.

    11:00 am Breakfast, lol im studying i wake up late...One glass of juice.
    1:00 pm Lunch Three chicken steaks, each 80 grams, with 3 frieds eggs and a whole plate of chips.
    8:00 pm Dinner Three Beef steaks, 80 grams each, 3 fried eggs and whole plate of fries.

    Inbetween i drink about 2-3 glasses of coke, the odd peice of cake, icecream. Do you think thats right?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Provided you are not pulling my leg about your diet, my changes would include the following:

    Eat a big breakfast. Eat four times a day, at least. More protein, more veggies, more variety. Protein with every meal. Drop the coke and start drinking milk. Begin with 1 quart of whole milk a day and work up to as much as a gallon a day. Shoot for a large caloric excess. 4000 calories a day is a good start. As you move into intermediate territory, you can dial things back as needed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Eat lots more. Troll lots less. Power clean, too. Lots more food. Lots.

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