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Thread: what did I do wrong today?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default what did I do wrong today?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Im a relatively new guy (about 8 weeks) so cut me a little slack, I had good intentions

    I busted my ass today at work, carrying heavy & akwardly shaped objects up several flights of stairs all day, then proceeded to do some construction work ....weightlifting is my new hobby, but working hard is my duty and obligation

    well after a long ass day (6AM - 6PM) of busting my ass, I got home, showered quickly, and sped to the gym to do my SS routine

    Im at BW on my squats ( I weight 200, 6'0) 175 on my bench and around 235 on DL (dont know metric offhand)

    I failed on my 1st set of squats, after the 2nd rep, and on the 2nd set after the 1st rep

    I quit squats for the day

    on the bench, I did all my warmups but couldnt get 180 past 1 rep, so I tried 175 and couldnt push 2 reps

    I didnt even bother to deadlift

    I should be sleeping now, but to say the truth, Im quite bothered since I dont really miss jumps too much

    should I have just taken the day off? was it good that I went in and at least tried? was "try" a word for act like a girl, and I should have just man-ned it up and squatted harder??

    is this something that just happens from time to time??? Im usually instructing people and not busting my ass on the jobsite, but it might start to become a regular thing. I hope I can get my body to adjust or the mental side to give me the strength to continue if this happens again (kind of likely).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Brisbane, Australia


    What and when did you eat during the day?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    In my book, any training is better than no training at all, as long as you don't risk injuring yourself too much. You did the right thing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008


    how big of a jump did you make on your lifts?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    London, England


    1. You got your job done without injuring yourself
    2. You got to the gym and made an effort.
    3. You are learning from the experience

    It's easy to say "I don't feel like it" and pussy out. You didn't do that. Now you know that when you feel "I can't train tonight", so that's a win. You made a mistake in the sense that with hindsight, you wouldn't do that again. You didn't make a mistake based on what you knew at the time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by bamzi View Post
    What and when did you eat during the day?
    7 AM- big glass of milk in the morning, half of a breakfast pastry
    9 AM- one avocado, piece of sourdough bread
    12 - can of tuna, mustard, some bread
    3 - another avocado sandwich
    5 - frozen peanut butter and banana sandwich
    6.5 - gym
    9.5 PM - three tacos, bean burrito, big glass of whole milk

    way too little? open to critique, but I dont have a big budget or a lot of flexibility on the job site all the time

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Sometimes there are freaky bad days. Just keep pushing on. If this becomes a trend, start worrying. Could be work was too hard. Could be you didn't eat enough. Could be you're coming down with a cold. Whatever. If your next couple workouts are the same as this, start worrying, but we all have really bad days sometimes.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by stronger View Post
    how big of a jump did you make on your lifts?
    10 lb jumps for about the first 5 sessions, and then 5 lb jumbs (talking about squat here)
    because of an off day (working till 9PM, gym closes at 8 30) and possible stalling, Ive only jumped about 15 lbs in the past two weeks

    I am seriously considering a reset at this point, but am unsure if its the right thing to do or not

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Brisbane, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by mgmguy View Post
    7 AM- big glass of milk in the morning, half of a breakfast pastry
    9 AM- one avocado, piece of sourdough bread
    12 - can of tuna, mustard, some bread
    3 - another avocado sandwich
    5 - frozen peanut butter and banana sandwich
    6.5 - gym
    9.5 PM - three tacos, bean burrito, big glass of whole milk

    way too little? open to critique, but I dont have a big budget or a lot of flexibility on the job site all the time
    Yeah, I reckon your blood sugar would have been WAY low by the time you got to the gym, even lower after warming up. You probably needed to get at least another 800 calories into you at 7pm before squatting (going off my own experience). Your fuel intake for such an active day seems inadequate too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    starting strength coach development program
    I agree on the food front. If you're going to have a really active, physical day you need to eat big. More meat and even bread to fuel up on carbs for the endurance.

    Don't reset. Never reset unless you've failed 3 times at the same weight.

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