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Thread: Another new Geezer (doesn't feel that way)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Another new Geezer (doesn't feel that way)

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello everyone, thought I would introduce myself. My name is Bill, I am 54, 6'1" and at present 270. I started SS @ two months ago and have made good progress in squat and dead lift, not so much in press, pc, and bench--but it is coming. I hope. I have reset several times in those lifts, and just did so again in PC because of horrifically bad form.

    My more normal weight hovers in the 255 range--but I kind of stop watching it to focus on SS. Now I am kind of Atkin's/Paleoing it off, with one "free day" every week.

    Squat--240 to 307 for 3 sets of 5. Was at 317 but scared myself and went back to 290 to work up with more confidence in my form.
    Dead lift--342 to 396 for 1 set of 5.
    PC--re-set from 145 to 95 recently. Hope to move back up rapidly.
    Bench--re-set to 185, seems to be going fine--we will see when I try to move up next time.
    Press--re-set to 95, micro loading, back to 104.

    My program is SS, but I can't recover enough to squat every workout and make progress. I particularly can't squat and dead lift on the same day.

    So--my workouts are: Squat, press, PC,
    Dead lift, BP, "light" squats, 2x5 (this at 80% of whatever my working weight is on squat heavy day).

    Two a week is what I have to get, I seem to be able to progress with that number of challenging workouts. I am not sure I could add a third hard work out recover, but I have toyed with the idea of a work out that hits all of the lifts but with lighter weights, more reps, fewer sets. But--that might be simply silly while I continue to progress.

    I am also beginning conditioning for my rugby season--I play in tournaments with a masters group in a number of different age groups (you can always go lower--just not higher) and I coach high school and college players. As well as work for a living.

    So, I am trying to get in 3 or so met con workouts. I try to keep them relatively short but intense, and use tabata intervals of varying time. I use kettlebell swings, jump roping, elliptical, erg, and a schwinn airdyne--which will kick your tail--great machine, easy to get second hand, cheap, bomb proof.

    My goals are to get to a 400 pound max squat, 500 pound deadlift, 250 bench, 160 press, 190 pc, and 220 body weight by September 18th--which is my end of the year tournament.

    We will see.

    I came to SS from finding it on CF. I have done lots of work outs over the years--even been a trainer for a while in school and early in my career (free gym membership, xtra money, good reasons to talk to all the ladies without being a creep. worked for me) although I was probably more of a pin setter and cheer leader. Still, I read a lot and tried to do a good job.

    I found CF--at least if followed everyday--seemed to beat me up with out noticeable gains--the interesting thing was that while doing CF exclusively which involved very little heavy or even progressive lifting I did not lose anything strength wise--nor did I gain anything. I did end up with some sensitive shoulders (see BP and P and PC numbers relative to squat and deadlift.).

    I will start a log--then see where it goes.

    You guys are inspiring--lets see if I can keep up.

    Thanks, Bill

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Palos Hills, IL


    You're making nice progress Bill. Keep it up. I've heard that shoulder injuries are very common among CF trainees.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Yep, I hope you have a nice shoulder warmup routine. It's worth 10-15 minutes.
    Nice lifting.

    Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Wecome Bill and good luck to you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Atlantic City, NJ


    My goals are to get to a 400 pound max squat, 500 pound deadlift, 250 bench, 160 press, 190 pc, and 220 body weight by September 18th--which is my end of the year tournament.
    There's nothing more dangerous than a motivated geezer ! Welcome & good luck Bill

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Looks like you're off to a great journey. Good, and you'll find people here more than willing to help as you need it when you get the log on a roll. So to speak. Can you feel the geezer power?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Somewhere on a Quest


    (Chanting) Geezer geezer geezer...........!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Southern Wis


    Awesome, Bill. You'll hit your goals if you train well and eat right. I'm the same vintage as you, 54, and I've found that age impacts recovery more than potential achievemnts. Ask away when you have Qs.

    And isn't it fun that Rip set up a tree fort of our very own here so we can talk about stuff the young uns just won't understand?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Quote Originally Posted by bob g View Post
    Awesome, Bill. You'll hit your goals if you train well and eat right. I'm the same vintage as you, 54, and I've found that age impacts recovery more than potential achievemnts. Ask away when you have Qs.

    And isn't it fun that Rip set up a tree fort of our very own here so we can talk about stuff the young uns just won't understand?
    Well that particular failing will resolve itself with time. Heh. Just wait til they get their first unsolicited AARP mailing to replenish their flagging membership rolls.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Thanks Guys--I appreciate all of the support. Old Age is not for Sissies--but it beats the known alternatives.

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