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Thread: Question about Size:Strength ratio and Testosterone supps

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


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    Quote Originally Posted by John Galt View Post
    So spending money at strip clubs would be money better spent huh? I'll have to keep that in mind.

    Seriously though, no one believes there are any natural supplements that can moderately increase testosterone levels? Almost all of the reviews I read of this Bio Forge were really positive, and it is one of the most highly rated supplements on Bio Forge Reviews
    So why are you here, then? Apparently you've decided to spend your money on hormone supplements and are looking for more encouragement/justification. Your size issues can be resolved with consistent training and more food. Spend your money on food. Create a growth spurt for yourself. This will maximize your gains in a short period of time. Then focus on body composition later. But you're convinced that hormones are the way to go. Fine. Don't waste anyone's time if you've already made up your mind and are simply looking to us for justificatory work. You know as well as I that there is nothing intuitive about investing in hormone supplements. Most of them follow the long line of garbage/scam products that define the supplement industry. The ones that do work tend to be really edgy and require more justificatory work, especially if you're not a competitive athlete.

    Enjoy the supps. Let us know how they work.

  2. #22
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    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by John Galt View Post
    I'm 5'6" and 170 pounds.

    Right now my five rep maxes are

    Squat: 315x5 (below parallel)
    Bench: 245x5
    Press: 150x5
    Deadlift: 365x5

    My question is, it seems like some of the guys in the gym that have similar lift totals are just bigger than me. Since I started doing Starting Strength after 4 years of bodybuilding stuff, I definitely got bigger and stronger, but it still seems like guys of my strength that I see in the gym tend to be noticeably bigger than me...
    There's a guy in my gym who's your height and weighs right under 150 lbs, and he's probably around 6% bodyfat, so he looks really skinny. I've seen him bench 275 for reps of 8 or 10, and he does dumbell bench presses with the 110's. I don't know how a human being has that kind of strength at that size, but I would bet that he's probably not suffering from low T.

    I can't imagine the strength someone like that would develop if they ever started eating.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    St. Thomas, Ontario


    Wait a fucking second... is the OP complaining about being as strong as the guys in the gym that are bigger than him? What the hell is wrong with being as strong as bigger people and why would you want to chemically alter yourself to try to get as big as these people that aren't stronger than you?

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    San Diego, CA


    Napoleon took over the world because he had small-guy syndrome. I think it's safer for all of us if he just eats more.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Sounds to me like you actually want to be a bodybuilder. No prob there, but you gotta be honest with yourself....everyone has experienced it. Your one of the strongest dudes in the gym, and them some BIG fuker walks in...its intimidating......sad but true

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Hehe funny.

    I "look" sort of bodybuilderish (not cut enough though, but general body shape) but I'm not as strong as I look. I'd love to be stronger than I look though. People in the know tend to assume I'm stronger than I am, which I hate.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by MazdaMatt View Post
    Wait a fucking second... is the OP complaining about being as strong as the guys in the gym that are bigger than him? What the hell is wrong with being as strong as bigger people and why would you want to chemically alter yourself to try to get as big as these people that aren't stronger than you?
    For the ladies. The only reason I'm doing starting strength is because I had been bodybuilding for 4 years and one day I realized I hadn't actually gotten bigger in like over a year. But really, don't we all lift primarily to look better? I mean, unless you're a competitive athlete there's not much of a reason why having a 500 pound bench is better than having a 300 pound bench if you look the exact same. Increasing strength is just a means to increase muscular development, and it's annoying that I'm increasing in strength at a faster rate than I'm increasing in muscle size.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Did you try eating? Are you drinking a gallon of milk per day? Try adding 500 calories per day. If that don't work add another 500. If that don't work there's a hole in your stomach. Look down. Is there a gallon of milk on the floor?

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    St. Thomas, Ontario


    Quote Originally Posted by John Galt View Post
    But really, don't we all lift primarily to look better?

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Galt View Post
    But really, don't we all lift primarily to look better?
    Not at all. That was my motivation for the first 6 months, but since I lost the fat I wanted to lose and got some shoulders, my motivations have shifted. Looking good is a fine side effect, but I lift for health and fun.

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