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Thread: One month to train for a meet

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


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    I had one more session of heavy singles this friday. The meet is the week after that, on the 9th. 8 days would be enough to recover from a few singles before the meet, right? I have trained the commands.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by hamburgerfan View Post
    I had one more session of heavy singles this friday. The meet is the week after that, on the 9th. 8 days would be enough to recover from a few singles before the meet, right? I have trained the commands.
    I have no idea but 8 days should be enough. Intensity can be easier to recover than volume, but that doesn't mean it can't fuck you up. If I were in your situation I would try some not very heavy singles this Friday, you should be fine as long as the singles are not of "steam coming out of ears and blood coming out of bulging eyes" intensity.

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