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Thread: Not sure when to start using a belt...

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


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    I think I'm doing the breathing right. The problem is taking that much air in I can't help my stomach bulge out a little. I do squeeze, but maybe you're right with the fatigue thing.

    Your form looks like mine. I'm basically horizontal.

    I really want to prevent any back shit from happening that's why I'm so curious about the belt. A healthy lifting career is what I want. Not some oops moment that set me back or anything.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada


    As long as you're tight, doesn't matter if they bulge out. Hell, that'll prob'ly happen anyhow.

    As for the back, you'll be fine as long as you make sure you're in extension. If you're worried, record your lift and watch it, and if you're not sure, post a form check. While the belt will, in all likelihood, get you stronger, it won't protect you if you're trying to deadlift with a catback.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by grand666 View Post
    Okay but sorry for the dumb question now...

    If you use a belt, isn't it like cheating? Putting more stress on your body than you can naturally handle? For instance, at what point should you wear a belt because you already have strong abs and need more support or should you wait and work on your form/lumbar tension because you can still lift without a belt with practise?
    Using a belt isn't cheating anymore than using a rack or bar. If you have a belt start wearing it when your warm ups require some efforts.

    Don't listen to people who brag about their strong abs they got from not wearing a belt. Belts make your abs stronger and people will think you're hardcore.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    New Brunswick, NJ


    I started using my belt the workout after i got 295x3x5, i9 failed at 300 the next week, simply because i was not used to the belt and it had to be softened up some, now however i cant lift without it (figure of speech, i certainly am able, just dont want to). I definitely feel as though my abdominal muscles feel much stronger with and without the belt now that i've been lifting with a belt. warmups/work sets are


    *=with belt,
    Hope this helps
    Last edited by Brian Zahn; 04-19-2012 at 05:57 PM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada


    Oh right, I totally forgot to answer that part of the question, heh.

    I got my belt/started wearing it when my squat was somewhere between 300 and 315lbs 3x5. Initially I used it from something like 250 onwards, but the past few months I've been going more towards the camp of "use it when you need it" and only use it when the weight's 300+ (will probably bump that soon enough to 315+, and so on). So, for instance, yesterday went like this:

    Bar 2x10
    135 x8
    185 x5
    225 x3
    275 x3
    belt on
    335 x3
    355 x1
    385 x1
    355 x8
    And then some doubles at that weight, still with the belt.

    Deads I don't use my belt until I'm over 4 plates (405).

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Damn. My email subscriptions were turned off for this thread.

    I'm not expecting a reply just want to thank you guys for the replies. Gives me an idea what to expect and use this as a reference.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Brandon, MS


    Just use it if you want, don't if you don't want to. I like it for squats as it cues me to set my back.

    I always (even without the belt) get a huge breath (stomach bulges out) and then tighten my stomach up and squat.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    La Jolla California


    Belts work because they give you something to push against. They allow your guts and abs to contract harder, thereby offering greater stability to the muscular sheath of the entire torso. They do not, in any way, make you weaker, but make you stronger.

    I learned this a long time ago while wearing a neoprene fat belt. I, too, like every 25 year old genius thought belts were bullshit, a crutch, a cheat, an aid. Then while wearing my neoprene fat belt (a 10inch wide neoprene wrap that goes around the belly to make you sweat more - stupid, right?) and doing leg presses, I felt stronger because my guts/abs could push harder against something. Eureka! The next day I bought a belt and never looked back. I wear my belt for squats, deads, presses, bench and even curls, where it allows me to contract my whole body/torse even harder, which builds a more solid platform for my upper body and arms.

    If it were possible to conduct a scientific test where the sole variable was belt use I am confident that the belted group would be stronger in all lifts and their "abs" or "core" or whatever term you want to (mis)use would be as strong or stronger than the unbelted group. Belts work. I doubt anyone who has ever used a belt has gone back to being beltless because it weakened any part of them and/or the belts did not work.

    Just rememeber that bosu balls are stupid for the exact reason belts and proper training shoes are smart - stability. Stability increases strength and we are strneght training.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Aarhus, Denmark


    I just got a belt friday. How do i know how tight to wear it? Is there like a rule of thump or something?
    Like you have to be able to slide your hand down between the belt and your stomach?

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Copenhagen, Denmark


    starting strength coach development program
    This is in the book, basically as tight as is "comfortable". But read up on belts in SS, it's all in there.

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