Somewhere between 30kg and 160kg. You'll have to try it to narrow it down further.
Hey guys.
I have benched with a regular grip (pinky on rings) 80KG.
I want to switch to close grip bench press (index finger on smooth part of the bar) and i have my reasons. What weight would correlate best with 80KG ? How much should I go for?although there are factors that make it impossible to establish a precise ratio.
PS : I dont think my triceps are a weak link because i ve never been stuck at lockout on regular bench.
Somewhere between 30kg and 160kg. You'll have to try it to narrow it down further.
There is no set ratio. Just try it and see.
What I want to know is, how did people figure out what weight to lift before the advent of Internet message boards? I mean, sure, they could have asked other people, but what about the FIRST person who tried a lift? How the fuck did THAT guy decide how much to lift? If this isn't the new chicken and egg problem, I don't know what is.
My best regular bench (ring fingers on rings) is 385. I have hit 305x10 on close grip (index finger about 1/2" outside smooth).
I probably don't concentrate on my bench enough- but my CG is right there with my bench.
Just start benching CG with linear progression and see where it takes you.
I now bench all close-grip at all times, as in pinky fingers 1"+ inside the rings. I do it because of my shoulder injury that worker's comp refused to repair. I can go slightly wider without discomfort now, but I couldn't when I got back into lifting. I started using this grip and stuck with it. And now I don't want to mess with what works so I don't even do heavy singles or anything with a wider grip.
I don't know how much more/less weight I could do with narrow versus wider because I never tried a narrow grip for strength before I got hurt. But before I got hurt I would do narrow grip bench after my regular bench and I was only 10-15lbs behind my normal workout. If I did 200-5x3, I could do 185-190 for 5x3 close grip.
Just try it and see. I'd say try -10% and if that works for a rep or two, add a little and keep going up. You may find that you're not very far behind at all.
Ok guys thanks for your advice.
As to CGBP technique , i'd like to know where the bar does land on my body , how many inches below my nipples ?
Mine is almost exactly the same. 405x1 bench and a 410x1 and 330x10 CG.
Heh. You must be a lot wider across the shoulders than me. My CG is 16" between my thumbs and can't go much wider or my shoulders rebel badly. My wide grip, that I can't do anymore, is about where your CG is, pinky inside the power ring.
Last edited by Oldster; 07-04-2012 at 03:47 PM.