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Thread: Missed squat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Missed squat

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025

    The bulldog clamp collars weigh 5lb, but I haven't included them in the weights.

    I moved the rack away from the wall after the first set to get my head in the shot, and I lowered the pins after the 346.5lb x 5 set because they were too high.

    My wife gave birth recently, so I've probably averaged 5-6 hours of broken sleep for the last few weeks, but is there anything else that might've made me miss the heavy single?

    440lb might just be too much for me at 198. I'll eat and sleep more to crush it next time.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions. I didn't want to post this in Rip's Q&A: I'll wait until I do some good squatting first.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Will Knowland View Post
    My wife gave birth recently, so I've probably averaged 5-6 hours of broken sleep for the last few weeks, but is there anything else that might've made me miss the heavy single?
    The excessive number of reps at heavier weights you did on the way up would be the prime suspects. If you want to do a heavy single at 440, which may not be the best choice given your disrupted training schedule, don't do a set of 5 at 350 and a triple at 390. I feel like you may have been able to stand up with that 440 if you had really wanted to do so and had chosen your warumps appropriately.

    You need to go deeper on most of your squats. Getting your knees out a little more might be all that is needed to make that happen. Tough to say for sure since we are far off to the side.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Thanks, Tom.

    I was following my 5/3/1 workout for the day. Given my schedule, I probably should've repeated the last 5/3/1 cycle rather than increased the weights.

    Which reps were good? After I lowered the pins, most of the reps felt pretty decent. I'll shove my knees out harder from now on.

    And I'll make the angle better on my next video.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Your first rep at 350 may have been below parallel. The rest after that probably weren't. Many of the reps before 350 may have been suspect, too, but I didn't rewatch them. Keep in mind that depth can be tough to judge from video. I think the knees out cue will get your depth and buy you a slightly more upright torso and and a more vertical bar path. Your angle on the video wasn't bad, it's just that you can't see all things from just one angle. When you are closer to a side view, as you are here, determining if your knees are out enough is more of a guess. However, you can see your back angle, your depth, and the bar path reasonably well. You did better with your videos than an awful lot of other people.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    To help you and everyone else judge my depth, here are some stills. I hope they help.

    First rep at 350lb.

    Each rep at 390lb.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    And here's the missed rep at 435lb:

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