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Thread: Rotator Cuff Pain, Redux...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Rotator Cuff Pain, Redux...

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    I started this thread ( a little less than two weeks ago, but did not return to it in time to upload video of my bench press before the thread was closed. Michael was the coach giving me feedback about my shoulder pain. Below are two videos of bench press sets, the first is 210, the second is 280.



    I have been closegripping the first of my three sets, which is what I did with 210 here. The last set, 280, is with my normal grip, which is ring fingers on the power ring. The only somewhat problematic thing I notice with either set is a slight tendency to lose the pinch in my shoulder blades as the weight gets heavy(ish). My elbows appear to be at the proper angle and the bar path looks okay to me. I welcome any feedback about form issues that could be corrected here.

    Regarding my rotator cuff pain, I did not do dips last week and noticed an immediate difference in how my shoulder felt after the workout. The soreness was more minimal and shorter lasting, leading me to believe that this was the primary contributor to the pain. It leaves me questioning what might be, if anything, good assistance exercises to include that will help me increase both my bench and my press weights. Dumbbell bench? Additional closegrip bench sets? Any thoughts here are most appreciated.

    Thanks in advance for the help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Your bench looks OK. You could improve on your arch/chest up position and tendency to get a little wiggly everywhere at heavy weights, but I don't see anything that jumps out at me as far as "Oh, THAT'S causing rotator cuff issues!"

    Sounds like dips were contributing to the problem though, perhaps even causing it. No need to get exotic. If you've already determined for yourself as an INtermediate lifter that you need assistance work to continue driving up your bench press, try one assistance movement as a substitute for dips for 2 months and see how it works. Close grip or DB Bench would be my first two choices, so try one of them out and see how it goes. Are you running 5/3/1?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Wolf View Post
    Your bench looks OK. You could improve on your arch/chest up position and tendency to get a little wiggly everywhere at heavy weights, but I don't see anything that jumps out at me as far as "Oh, THAT'S causing rotator cuff issues!"

    Sounds like dips were contributing to the problem though, perhaps even causing it. No need to get exotic. If you've already determined for yourself as an INtermediate lifter that you need assistance work to continue driving up your bench press, try one assistance movement as a substitute for dips for 2 months and see how it works. Close grip or DB Bench would be my first two choices, so try one of them out and see how it goes. Are you running 5/3/1?
    Thanks for the feedback, Michael. I know that I need to continue working on my stability as the weight gets heavier. I was a flat-backed, heaving bencher when I last benched regularly, and though I clearly see the benefit of being tighter and arched up, it is taking some getting used to.

    Yes, I am running 5/3/1. I guess I haven't determined I need assistance work to drive up the bench press, so perhaps I should wait until I stall on this program to introduce additional work. At the moment anyway, I can only bench once per week, so I was thinking some additional volume in the form of close grips or dumbbells might be helpful, but maybe I should wait until there's a problem before I find a solution?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    What does your 5/3/1 split/template currently look like?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Wolf View Post
    What does your 5/3/1 split/template currently look like?
    3x5 Squat at 75% 1RM for 5/3/1 cycle (for additional volume)
    5/3/1 Press
    Weighted Pullups/Chinups

    5/3/1 Bench

    5/3/1 Squat
    1x5 Deadlift/10x1 Power Clean (alternating weeks)

    I did not alter my deadlift programming when I moved things to 5/3/1 because I thought additional volume would not be good for someone with a history of 2 herniated lumbar discs. Additionally, I play basketball once per week, which in itself is plenty taxing for my back, so pulling "heavy" every other week feels about right recovery wise.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Since you have the press as a main lift and are also doing weighted chins, see if you can progress without the assistance. Give it at least a few weeks.

    If you find you need the assistance, add it in on Wednesday after the main lift and before the curls. I'd start with CG Bench 3x5 @ 75-80% of your regular grip 5RM. But if your shoulder feels better, you can just do regular bench boring but big or something like that as assistance. Doesn't need to be a different exercise.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Wolf View Post
    Since you have the press as a main lift and are also doing weighted chins, see if you can progress without the assistance. Give it at least a few weeks.

    If you find you need the assistance, add it in on Wednesday after the main lift and before the curls. I'd start with CG Bench 3x5 @ 75-80% of your regular grip 5RM. But if your shoulder feels better, you can just do regular bench boring but big or something like that as assistance. Doesn't need to be a different exercise.
    Will do. Thanks Michael.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    London, England


    starting strength coach development program
    I have dodgy rotator issues which I am still trying to get to the bottom of and the
    One big thing that wrecks them is dips. I mean can barely lift my arms the next day.
    I found close grip to be the next best thing and worked well

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