I'm not a gynecologist, so I can't really be sure. Have you had it checked out by a professional?
And have you posted a video for critiquing?
I'm a 19 year old male. 5'9.5" 170 lb. Many times, at the bottom of the squat, I get this awful stinging "hit my funny bone" type pain. I've attempted starting strength several times throughout the last few years and I always quit when I get to about 225 because this problem starts to occur frequently. I know you think this cannot be, but my technique appears to be very good. I have no problem with knees caving in and such, I go below parallel, and I used to show butt wink but not anymore. This groin issue started years ago when I swam competitively around age 12. From then on I couldn't do breastroke because I would get the same pain that makes me want to never squat again. Would it be that bad to just leave out squats and do light deadlifts? Or perhaps something like power to the people or Dan johns easy strength?
I'm not a gynecologist, so I can't really be sure. Have you had it checked out by a professional?
And have you posted a video for critiquing?
I've had powerlifters in the gym critique my form and they said it was a spot on high bar squat. I've had this checked out in my preteen and high school years and doctors haven't seen anything like it. I was wondering if anyone here has. It just really seems like ill never be able to squat without pain. I never could do breastroke kicks without this pain since I was 11 or 12.
Someone please help. This is a huge issue for me. Could I just deadlift instead?
why are you doing HB? does it hurt less? At what depth does it happen?
Have you had an MRI? what did the doctors think it was and/or rule out? sciatica is fairly common.
IT Band Syndrome, Hip flexor tendinitis, torn labrum, FAI? Get an MRA of your hip, leg lower back and knee
It happens at the very bottom. It's very localized and feels like a pinched nerve directly in the center of my groin area but not near the groin muscles. Doctors think its inflammation and they tell me to take ibuprofen and stretch. This hasn't worked
I have tried other squat variations but they all sometimes cause it. I rarely do front squats and it may happen less frequently with those but my wrist flexibility sucks so I have to put te bar on my shoulders and cross my arms
Doctors think it's "inflamation" that's lasted from age 12 to age 19 ? that seems an unlikely diagnosis. If it happens at the very bottom and you already "go below parallel" why don't you cut your depth a little ? And also, esp if you have decent insurance at this time, you should pursue it with a sports doctor of some sort and get to the bottom of it (though i doubt there's much they can do w/o surgery if it's something that's been around "forever").