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Thread: Virtual (video) coaching and SS seminar, European tour

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Default Virtual (video) coaching and SS seminar, European tour

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024

    I have checked the site thoroughly - as it seems, there isn't an easy option for us Europeans to attend an SS seminar. After spending yet another day lying on the floor grinding my teeth and waiting for my re-activated sciatica to pass I came to an idea:

    let's do a video coaching camp!

    I mean, in this day and age, people are working for companies across the world from their kitchens and sending space shios to Mars (which is ridiculous if you ask me) and we can't organise such a simple yet needed event, because speakers are 4000 miles away?!

    Eric Cressey was in Ljubljana (Slovenia) a couple of weeks ago and had I known about I probably would have went. If SS coaches were having a camp this nearby I would chop my b*** off to be there!

    I am suggesting the following:

    1. Coach(es) decide on time and fees; due to the time difference it will probably have to be an evening session for us in Europe
    2. Payment in advance, so coaches are safe that we won't screw them over; PayPal is a good option I think
    3. We vote on a location for attendees; I am of course biased so my list is here:
      -Zagreb (my hometown) - cheap lodging, I could take care of the logistics, equipment, venue
      -Split - Mediterranean, summer, seaside , lot's of nice girls
      -Belgrade - huge place, hugely popular with tourists, nice gyms, nice girls
      -Ljubljana - small place, easily accessible, good venue
    4. Audio/video equipment is a trivial task to handle:
      - on one end an ipad/macbook hooked up to a photo tripod (camera to record form) and audio hooked up to a cheap stereo system (to hear the coaching)
      - on the other end coaches would need to have a simple PC, a webcam and a microphone to speak
      - Skype (or a similar software app)
    5. Venue - if it takes place in my hometown or another town in Croatia (like Split) I am offering my time and effort to secure a venue, negotiate the fees, basically take care of the logistics

    What say you? Come on, If we can't get to Mark, we'll get Mark and the rest of the gang over here.

    (I'm of course, selfish, my back is killing my and I am desperate for coaching)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    This is, unfortunately, one of those times when our commitment to the integrity of the product gets in the way of our expansion and profitability. The kind of coaching that we believe in, and that we do, really requires we be there in person. So often we need to move someone into a certain position (as in literally physically manipulate them), or touch them, or walk around them while they do something, be it hold a certain position static, or execute a movement. There's just no way to replicate this in a virtual setting, even with the improvement in the technology that's making the video clearer and the connections more reliable and closer to real time.

    What might work is a sort of lecture or round-table type thing, but I don't know how many people would pay for that, as opposed to an actual coaching/seminar experience which really still needs to be done in person.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by astrbac View Post
    I have checked the site thoroughly - as it seems, there isn't an easy option for us Europeans to attend an SS seminar.
    Putting together a European Seminar is not a simple matter, either.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    Tom, I understand, please do not feel offended by my remark. I just wosh to be there so badly that I am fighting every way I can to get you guys over here .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Is a Level 2 Seminar later this year in Europe still a live option, Tom?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    South West UK


    I took the easiest option, got on a plane and flew to the seminar. Like Rip also had to. It was worth it.

  7. #7
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    Atlanta area


    Quote Originally Posted by astrbac View Post
    Tom, I understand, please do not feel offended by my remark. I just wosh to be there so badly that I am fighting every way I can to get you guys over here .

    Send Tom and I a check for $7500 US and we'll be there to do a Level I, and THEN you'll be doing everything you can to get us guys over there. You can then invite 11 of your friends to the party.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Rich Rowe View Post
    I took the easiest option, got on a plane and flew to the seminar. Like Rip also had to. It was worth it.
    Yeah, that's what I'm thinking as well, and I don't think the price difference will be much either.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Will Knowland View Post
    Yeah, that's what I'm thinking as well, and I don't think the price difference will be much either.
    Based on some preliminary spreadsheeting, price for a Level 2 seminar in Europe would need to be on the order of $1,500 or a little more. That was based on several assumptions, some of which might change, moving that number up or down a bit.

  10. #10
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    Sep 2013


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Hill View Post
    Send Tom and I a check for $7500 US and we'll be there to do a Level I, and THEN you'll be doing everything you can to get us guys over there. You can then invite 11 of your friends to the party.
    Oy Steve,

    is that 7500 for both of you or per capita? I'm doing some calculations and will see if it would be possible to find enough interested.


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