This is the point at which I usually add chins to the program, doing something like:
Monday - Deadlift 5RM
Weds - Chin-up
Fri - Power Clean
You could also power snatch on Wednesdays. But if you want to practice more to improve technique, 2x/week practice is definitely a lot better than 1x/week. So doing lighter power cleans Wednesday, then heavier on Friday would work just fine. Due to the nature of the lift, the back-off in power cleans can be less a % back off from the work-sets than for DLs. If you do light DLs, 90% of work sets would be too heavy (assuming you're already a mid to advanced novice, which is typically when alternating cleans and DL becomes too difficult). For light power cleans, however, 85-90% might work well along with an overall volume reduction.
So try this:
Mon - DL 1x5
Weds - Light Power Cleans: 8x2, ramping the first 4 sets, then 4 doubles across at 85-90% of your Heavy Power Clean working weight
Fri - Heavy Power Cleans 5x3 across
After Wednesday's cleans, you may even still have energy for the chins.