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Thread: Squat Form Critque

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Canberra, Aus


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    Your original form at 415x5 was fine. It's textbook high bar. There is nothing wrong with that. Trainees here practice the low bar squat. It has a different set of cues than a high bar squat. I would not change anything to your original squat. As for your depth, you are going quite deeper than what a low bar squat permits. This is fine because you are squatting high bar, which is more anterior chain dominant as it doesn't have the same stretch reflex from the hammies that low bar does, and your lordosis is not relaxing, indicating your depth is perfectly acceptable.

    "Knee slide" is not a valid concern for you because every high bar squat will have "knee slide" because of the need for an upright trunk and vertical bar path. Knee slide however is deleterious in low bar squats because of the aforementioned different mechanics of the movement. I would be concerned if you tried to apply a hip drive cue and the trunk incline that low bar squats have, however, because that would produce an ugly bar path and be an ugly "hybrid" squat, probably with some spinal flexion too.

    In short, your squat is beautiful, don't break it. The only thing that may need altering is a slower eccentric, but as long as you can stay really tight, it's fine. Get WL shoes
    Last edited by mrcosmic; 08-30-2014 at 05:24 AM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Dallas, GA


    Your most recent video looked good to me (high bar, as discussed). Keep it up.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Root View Post
    You guys are giving low-bar advice to a high-bar squatter. He's doing high-bar, right?
    Yep. Pretty much.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tennisgolfboll View Post
    I agree with depth as others say, also test looking down 4-5 feet and get a pair of adipowers.
    I don't think I need to tell the OP, but don't do that with a high bar squat, unless you like dumping the bar over your head.

    As far as depth goes, I don't think I'd change anything, except finding another gym. You're never going to really be able to test your max if you have to squat outside the rack and rely on crap spotters. Personally, I'm curious to see what your depth would be with a lift closer to your true max, but until you have a decent place to squat, I wouldn't bother.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Thank you all for the kind words, as well as for confirming that I should just stick with my high bar stance. As for the weightlifting shoes and the gym, they are me just trying to roll with the punches, sometimes life gets in the way.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Sverige (Sweden)


    starting strength coach development program
    I think that all the reasons rip etc has for lbbs is def worth it.

    I would say lbbs and if you wont then i really recommend atleast getting good shoes. If you cant afford it then i understand but otherwise get it asap

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