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Thread: Stuck on Arm Strength

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Default Stuck on Arm Strength

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I've been doing my first SS progression for 14 weeks. I'm probably in danger of being told I'm not "doing" the program (some milk, but no where near a gallon), but here goes.

    I started at 90# bench at 163# body weight (5' 11"). I've since gone up to 168# body weight, and my last completed 3x5 on bench press was 140. That was 4 weeks ago. There have been some circumstances, week off due to work, a week of being sick (but keep the MWF schedule), but all in all, 4 weeks of little progress.

    Similarly, I'm stuck at about 105# press. I've completed a 5x3 at that weight, but I went back a week later and had to push press my way through the last set at 105#.

    There is a bit of technique involved, as I don't always find the right pressing groove on the bench or overhead, so that makes some reps harder, but I think that is getting better.

    Is this as simple as doing a reset (how much?) and gaining more weight?

    The good news is that the legs are going great, with a 250# deadlift and a a squat over 200#, just feel like my arms are letting me down.

    Any advice welcome,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by spencerogden View Post
    I've been doing my first SS progression for 14 weeks. I'm probably in danger of being told I'm not "doing" the program (some milk, but no where near a gallon), but here goes.

    I started at 90# bench at 163# body weight (5' 11"). I've since gone up to 168# body weight, and my last completed 3x5 on bench press was 140. That was 4 weeks ago. There have been some circumstances, week off due to work, a week of being sick (but keep the MWF schedule), but all in all, 4 weeks of little progress.

    Similarly, I'm stuck at about 105# press. I've completed a 5x3 at that weight, but I went back a week later and had to push press my way through the last set at 105#.

    There is a bit of technique involved, as I don't always find the right pressing groove on the bench or overhead, so that makes some reps harder, but I think that is getting better.

    Is this as simple as doing a reset (how much?) and gaining more weight?

    The good news is that the legs are going great, with a 250# deadlift and a a squat over 200#, just feel like my arms are letting me down.

    Any advice welcome,
    Do a small mini-reset and start microloading. Keep eating. Keep getting stronger.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Those bench and press numbers really aren't disproportionate to your squat and deadlift. Gaining weight can't hurt.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    New York


    On the one hand, a 5 lb body weight gain in 14 weeks is not very much considering how far you have to go. On the other hand, I commend the progress you've had so far on your lifts.

    Eat more. Get uncomfortable for a few meals each day. The weights will feel lighter this way and you'll get stronger faster.

    As you've identified, there may be a form component to your stalling too. Feel free to post some videos in the technique section.

    You said you had a sick period. It'll be up to you to gauge if you can redo your last workout and then continue to the linear progression, or if a little reset in the area of 10% is in order. See how the first time back in the gym feels. It can be tough to go 'by feel' when you're still fairly new, but you'll have to do the best you can and listen to your body.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    some milk, but no where near a gallon)
    Well, get drinkin' son.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by John Hanley View Post
    Well, get drinkin' son.
    boom! Hanley strikes again.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    Thanks for the good advice. I'll see if I can't up the calorie intake and on Wednesday I'll step back with a 10% reset.

    I'll check back in 3 weeks hopefully with some new PRs.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    Well, 3 weeks is up, I did a 10% reset and have had 9 workouts with no missed reps:

    Weight: 170-172#
    Tuesday: 105# Press
    Today: 150# Bench
    210# Squat
    255# Dead

    I'm looking at about 50/50 lean/fat gain over the last 6 months, about 6# each.

    Onward to bodyweight bench and trying not to mind the pudgy midsection and keep eating.

    Next stop is is an orthopedist to deal with wrist pain preventing me from racking my cleans without pain. I'm not sure if it is keyboard related or an older injury, but it is getting in the way of everyday movement, and cleans definitely aggravate the joint.

    Thanks for the encouragement.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by spencerogden View Post
    Well, 3 weeks is up, I did a 10% reset and have had 9 workouts with no missed reps:

    Weight: 170-172#
    Tuesday: 105# Press
    Today: 150# Bench
    210# Squat
    255# Dead

    I'm looking at about 50/50 lean/fat gain over the last 6 months, about 6# each.

    Onward to bodyweight bench and trying not to mind the pudgy midsection and keep eating.

    Next stop is is an orthopedist to deal with wrist pain preventing me from racking my cleans without pain. I'm not sure if it is keyboard related or an older injury, but it is getting in the way of everyday movement, and cleans definitely aggravate the joint.

    Thanks for the encouragement.
    You may want to sub in power-snatches.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Garage Gym


    starting strength coach development program
    All things considered, it would be very unwise to do power snatches.

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