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Thread: Squat - why is the bar coming forwards at the bottom?

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac Ward View Post
    Can you sit on a toilet? I don't think that flexibility is your problem.
    That is without doubt the most clear and definitive evidence I've had on the issue since I started to squat. I actually had to just go and sit on the toilet with a broom stick across my back to prove it to myself!!!

    Luckily I have a mirror on the side wall in there too, so was able to straighten my back, put my feet in the correct position, push my knees out, look downwards a little and position the bar directly over my mid foot.

    I then stood up.

    Then sat down again.

    Then stood up again.....

    You get the picture.

    I was aware that I was subconsciously afraid of losing balance and falling over backwards, but after a few 'reps' was more than able to keep the weight off my toes and get up and down with ease.

    Incredible really.

    Just got to translate that from my bathroom to the gym....

  2. #22
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    Just thought I'd show this clip of me box squatting. The box, albeit a couple of inches too high, gave me the confidence to sit back without the fear of over balancing and has now proved to me that I can do it, it's not flexibility and that I now have a reasonably straight and vertical bar bath and can keep the weight over my heels and/or mid foot.

    Still got to work on the shoulders to improve the grip, but hopefully, this shows some form improvement?

    I even remembered to look down a little!

    39 secs is my best set I think?

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Brisbane Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Drag Racer UK View Post
    That is without doubt the most clear and definitive evidence I've had on the issue since I started to squat. I actually had to just go and sit on the toilet with a broom stick across my back to prove it to myself!!!

    Luckily I have a mirror on the side wall in there too, so was able to straighten my back, put my feet in the correct position, push my knees out, look downwards a little and position the bar directly over my mid foot.

    I then stood up.

    Then sat down again.

    Then stood up again.....

    You get the picture.

    I was aware that I was subconsciously afraid of losing balance and falling over backwards, but after a few 'reps' was more than able to keep the weight off my toes and get up and down with ease.

    Incredible really.

    Just got to translate that from my bathroom to the gym....
    Just remember....pants ON in the gym

  4. #24
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    Cedar Point, NC


    Actually, the last set was the best. As COG moves closer to the bar, the bar must move closer to the middle of the foot. All the other sets were...something else...sort of high bar sort of low bar.

    You need to look down, lean over and squat. Quit trying to keep your back so erect. Back angle on the last set was your best...and the bar was the heaviest...and you didn't fall over...just like 10's of thousands of others.

    Keep working it.

  5. #25
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    Today was one of those eureka moments. No, I haven;t suddenly managed to do the perfect text book squat, but I *think* I've made a major step forwards.

    1) I cut a couple of inches off my squat 'box' (actually a sturdy upturned office trash can in my gym bag) to make sure I was breaking parallel.
    2) I remembered to look down more
    3) I kept the weight over the mid foot the entire time
    4) I felt the hip drive without any 'good morning'
    5) I stopped trying to be so upright
    6) I improved my grip a little - elbows and wrist better (still far from perfect)

    Only thing I really screwed up on was that stupid habit I have of breathing out a little on the way up like a greyhound bus releasing it's air brakes, but I remembered on the second set which felt much better with the lower abdominal pressure maintained.

    Best of all, I hit a new PB which I'm confident will now climb as it should.

    I know there's still much to improve on, but compared to the mess I was in, I'm really pleased with this step forwards - thanks sooo much for all the advice so far. Shame I injured my shoulder unracking on the bench 10 mins later...

  6. #26
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    Cedar Point, NC


    Move the block of wood to the front of your squat and get your knees where they belong.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac Ward View Post
    Move the block of wood to the front of your squat and get your knees where they belong.
    Forgive me Mac for being obtuse, but I don;t understand what you mean?

    What block of wood?

    Do you think my knees should come further forwards than they are? This would result in a slightly more vertical back angle if the bar stays mid foot?

    Sorry if I'm missing something...

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Cedar Point, NC


    TUBOW - have you read the squat chapter?

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac Ward View Post
    TUBOW - have you read the squat chapter?
    Ah - gotcha, I was being thick.

    Yeah, with further analysis I reckon another inch or two of knee travel forwards would have it about right.

    I've taken a screen grab from my video and compared it to screen grabs from Rips tuition videos on the tube and I'm not a million miles off.

    I'll work on it.


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