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Thread: Hello, fellow Geezers/Geezettes!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2015


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    Quote Originally Posted by bob g View Post
    So, it's himself you're named after?

    Aye, that I am

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Brewster Righter View Post
    An interesting thought, but on 6 August I will turn 80(although I will appear no more than 78). Forecasting one's entry into the 9th decade may be presumptuous,but with luck I should make it. My competitive nature and the contraction of pneumonia and flu simultaneously set me back a bit, but I seem to be making progress. My goal on or shortly after the big day is to DL 4x, squat 3x and bench 2x my age in pounds. We will see.
    I find that while my"strength" seems OK, my ability to recover from the slightest injury seems compromised. Also, my coach, Nick D'Agostino, is experimenting with volume, mainly reducing it, while keeping the weights up. An experiment of one.
    I DL on Mondays, do a light KB workout on Wednesdays and squat and bench on Fridays. I throw in a few chins on Tuesday or Thursday.
    Best of luck to you in hitting your targets on the big day. And noting that those totals are all well above my current sets... hats off to you!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Brewster Righter View Post
    An interesting thought, but on 6 August I will turn 80(although I will appear no more than 78). Forecasting one's entry into the 9th decade may be presumptuous,but with luck I should make it. My competitive nature and the contraction of pneumonia and flu simultaneously set me back a bit, but I seem to be making progress. My goal on or shortly after the big day is to DL 4x, squat 3x and bench 2x my age in pounds. We will see.
    I find that while my"strength" seems OK, my ability to recover from the slightest injury seems compromised. Also, my coach, Nick D'Agostino, is experimenting with volume, mainly reducing it, while keeping the weights up. An experiment of one.
    I DL on Mondays, do a light KB workout on Wednesdays and squat and bench on Fridays. I throw in a few chins on Tuesday or Thursday.
    That's totally inspiring! You could probably pass for 77.

  4. #14
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    May 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Bestafter60 View Post
    That's totally inspiring! You could probably pass for 77.
    Reminds me of those ridiculous Teeter Hang Ups commercials... "I'm over 72..." What a strangely non-round number to pick!

    teeter hang ups commercial over 72 - Bing Videos


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Welcome to the forum, Bob!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    New Jersey


    welcome, and as someone who's your age and ran a lot (and a couple of full marathons in my teens) I would say that running does a lot more damage to your knees than SS will

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    San Francisco


    Quote Originally Posted by Brewster Righter View Post
    An interesting thought, but on 6 August I will turn 80(although I will appear no more than 78). Forecasting one's entry into the 9th decade may be presumptuous,but with luck I should make it. My competitive nature and the contraction of pneumonia and flu simultaneously set me back a bit, but I seem to be making progress. My goal on or shortly after the big day is to DL 4x, squat 3x and bench 2x my age in pounds. We will see.
    I find that while my"strength" seems OK, my ability to recover from the slightest injury seems compromised. Also, my coach, Nick D'Agostino, is experimenting with volume, mainly reducing it, while keeping the weights up. An experiment of one.
    I DL on Mondays, do a light KB workout on Wednesdays and squat and bench on Fridays. I throw in a few chins on Tuesday or Thursday.
    Well, you've got about ten years on me, so you are now my official inspiration. I am indeed currently hitting those marks for the bench, bench press, and squat, but I'm lagging a bit on pulls. Still, I've be more than happy if, by the end of my next decade, I'm able to hit the same marks you are hitting.

    Also: Geezolith! Woot!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    San Francisco


    Also also: A few chins? At eighty?????

    Good lord. How many eighty year olds can do even one chin?

    Maybe this guy:

    But he's a legend and an icon.

    Here he is last year at 84, deadlifting 430 pounds:
    Last edited by Bill Quick; 07-03-2015 at 01:54 PM.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2015


    starting strength coach development program
    Hey guys, back from oblivion, and lifting again! I've been lifting since December, and am just updating my log (SeanThornton gets back in fighting shape!). Glad to be back among you and posting.


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