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Thread: Starting ... again, and what I've learned

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Starting ... again, and what I've learned

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    So I fell off the wagon. I'd been doing great in the winter and into the spring, but then I traveled back to the States (I work overseas), and my whole training regimen fell apart. Work invaded my life wicked over the summer, so I stopped over the summer - but I've started up again a few weeks ago.

    I've learned the following things:

    * It was remarkably easy to get back into it. It's amazing what your body remembers, and what re-reading (and re-rereading) SS can do to help you quickly return to it.

    * Despite that: it really is a good idea, if you are geezish, to be conservative with your starting weights. It's in the books, don't get greedy, and it's in there for a reason. When I had started in the winter, I was VERY conservative with my starting weights (again, after a long layoff), and it went very smoothly. "No problem", I said to myself this time, "I'll just add like ... 20-30 lbs to what I started with last time." BZZZT. DOMS, DOMS, DOMS.

    * If and when you do get greedy and get DOMS, I found that going back to the gym quieted the DOMS down pretty much completely. Squats never hurt so much but felt so good at the same time.

    * Linear progression does occur pretty fast. I am already nearly 100 lbs over where my work sets were when I began about a month ago on squats and deads.

    * Overhead pressing is the hardest m-fing exercise there is. I cannot get the form right at all. Incredibly frustrating.

    * I am using a lat pulldown machine in my quest to do a single pullup, and it's frustrating to use because it only advances in 10 lbs increments and you can't really jimmy small weights on it. So I've started trying to build them set by set, workout by workout. I workout two days a week, and I'm doing sets of 10. So I'll advance the weight by 10lbs and do 1x10 at that weight, then 2x10 sets 10lbs below that. The next workout, 2x10 at the target weight, 1x10 10 lbs below. Then 3x10 the following workout. It's not strictly speaking linear progression, but it is progress and I'll take it.

    I am going to be once again traveling back to the States for a week and a half to see my folks and to attend meetings in Washington. I've already found drop-in gyms so I can keep going. I'm really going to try not to fall off again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Walled Lake, Michigan


    Finding an adequate gym while traveling can be fun. I found one with more machines than anyone could imagine but it did have one platform for deads. Another gym was magnificent with several racks and platforms and good solid equipment. Meeting new people was usually a blast and being my age dazzled the young guys. Keep up the good work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by flatcat View Post
    ...* I am using a lat pulldown machine...I workout two days a week, and I'm doing sets of 10...
    Just a thought; have you considered something like this with the lat pulldown?

    A: Light x High Reps x 3
    B: Heavy x Low Reps x 3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Portola Valley, CA


    [INDENT]* I am using a lat pulldown machine in my quest to do a single pullup, and it's frustrating to use because it only advances in 10 lbs increments and you can't really jimmy small weights on it. So I've started trying to build them set by set, workout by workout. I workout two days a week, and I'm doing sets of 10. So I'll advance the weight by 10lbs and do 1x10 at that weight, then 2x10 sets 10lbs below that. The next workout, 2x10 at the target weight, 1x10 10 lbs below. Then 3x10 the following workout. It's not strictly speaking linear progression, but it is progress and I'll take it.[INDENT]

    The cable pull down machine works. Once I got up to 180lbs, I could do chins with my 220lb body. Never looked back.

    See if you gym will buy some "Plate Mates", magnetic weights to slap onto the side of the stack of plates. My gym has 4x 2.5lb ones. You can also buy your own set on Amazon.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2015


    Taters: I'm taking the same approach with the lats as I am with other exercises. For example, my (successful for me, pathetic for everyone else) work today was 2x10x45, 10x65, 5x85, 3x10x105. But I've been thinking about changing that approach. Maybe I'll give it a go and see what happens - thanks!

    Gene: Thanks for the suggestion. I will check those out. If they're not too pricey, I'd be willing to donate them to the gym where I work out. That is awesome about getting to that pull-up. Congratulations. I've never done one in my life, and that's one of my goals.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    flatcat: Ah, I see. I misunderstood. Sounds like a good plan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gene61 View Post
    [INDENT]...The cable pull down machine works. Once I got up to 180lbs, I could do chins with my 220lb body...
    Good to know, Gene. Thanks for that.

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