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Thread: First squats with a belt

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Chandler, AZ

    Default First squats with a belt

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    So I've read all the benefits of wearing a belt and now that my squats have reached a weight I'm not embarrassed about (345 at 195 bodyweight, 54 y.o.), I ordered a basic 10cm, 6.5 mm leather belt from General Leathercraft as a Christmas present for myself. I received it last week, just in time for my next heavy (squat, bench and deadlift) day.

    From my reading I felt I had gotten a good feeling of where and how tight the belt should be worn. Everything I read suggested not wearing the belt except for maybe the last warm-up set and then certainly the work set. So I did a few squats with the belt on but without the bar and things felt good. I could really feel how much more I could tighten my trunk muscles (almost said "my core") having the belt to push against. I worked through my warmup sets and put the belt on for my last warmup, at 320. On the way down the first time, the belt must have pushed against my thigh or something, because I was suddenly way off balance, pitching forward. With some help from the cage uprights, I was able to regain balance and stand back up. I rerack, composed myself for a few minutes and then tried again, this time thinking, "Sit back!" This time my set of five went well. My work set at 345 also felt good, which was a relief. I definitely felt a difference, not sure if it was as big a difference as my first squat with real shoes, but a definite improvement. I also used the belt on my bench work set, and that went well. I think I might tighten it up one hole next bench session as while lying down, the belt felt looser.

    Later I noticed some bruising on my waist, probably where the bottom edge of the belt dug in. My lower back was also more sore than usual after that workout. Not sure if that was due to poor technique, using muscles differently with the belt or this heavy day being the heaviest one I've had yet (four reps of 345 squat, up from three and five reps of 350 deadlift, up from four)

    Tuesday is press day and I'm looking forward to seeing what effect the belt will have on that, my weakest lift.

    Just felt like sharing...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    Pretty common experience with the belt. I felt similarly when first squatting with a belt (think I tried 275). When I first started using one, I had a problem of collapsing in and out of the hole, and using a belt had helped me feel how to keep my trunk tight into the bottom of the squat.

    The bruising may come and go for a while, depending on the extent of your gut (worse if you're skinnier). I remember it intermittently for the first year, but never for it hurting, more as a "hunh".

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Dallas, GA


    Many people know that a belt has to break in some, but those things you're talking about will go away when you break in. Very normal for those new to a belt.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Appleton, WI


    When I was new to belts, my squats very pretty unimpressive and I believe more experienced belt users can get them tighter and they won't move as much. For a newbie to belts, I would recommend putting it on and doing an air squat just to see if the belt settles into place a little better.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Chandler, AZ


    Last night was my light squat day so my top work set was at 320 and was the only set I used the belt with. As before, I did some air squats to get the belt in position and then tightened it up one more hole. I was ready for the pitching forward sensation this time and did the set without incident. Still not all that comfortable, with the bottom edge digging into my waist. I wonder if getting the suede lining would have made any difference. I used it for my press work set as well and I think it helped there as I was finally able to complete five reps at 120.

    I understand there will be a break-in period for the belt. Does that mean it gets softer around the edges?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Boston, MA


    They do get softer around the edges. When my belt was new I would take it and fold it and work it backwards and forwards with as tight a crease in it as possible (and then fold it backwards and to the same thing) to help loosen it up.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Dallas, GA


    Quote Originally Posted by brkriete View Post
    They do get softer around the edges. When my belt was new I would take it and fold it and work it backwards and forwards with as tight a crease in it as possible (and then fold it backwards and to the same thing) to help loosen it up.
    I'm not a fan of this. I'm of the opinion that simply wearing the belt is the best thing to do. If it doesn't feel better within 3 weeks or so, you might consider more dramatic options.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Portland, Oregon


    starting strength coach development program
    My belt is stiff as could be. I experienced the occasional bruising and couldn't find the "right" place for it to be for a couple weeks. Now I just put it on snug, but not tight during my last couple sets of warmups. The belt finds the right place. I snug the shit out of it and go to town.

    I still get mild pinching occasionally, but it's no more uncomfortable than having >300lbs on a bar across my shoulders.

    I've only really worn it for squatting. Don't care for it with bench and I'm not sure I've ever worn it during press... and it's a 4" belt that'd never work for me deadlifting.

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