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Thread: Socks

  1. #21
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    I have these - basically downhill ski socks with shin padding but branded for lifting. Holding up great for a couple years with a wash every few weeks.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cody View Post
    For the OP: Soccer socks in the sporting goods section of Wal-Mart are perfect deadlift socks. They're built much nicer than generic tube socks and only cost about $5 or so a pair.

    For everyone else: do you find yourself reading the earlier chapters when it's cold outside?
    This is what I use (soccer socks).

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    No one cares.


    Since this is a thread on deadlift socks, I might as well share it here.

    For the past couple of months, I've been taking my little guys to the local public library for story time every Saturday morning (twin toddlers). It lets us spend some time together while Mama gets a (small) break from the chaos. This past week, they both got sinus infections, but not at the same time (of course). One little guy went to the doc's office on Thursday, and the other one needed to go on Saturday. So we wouldn't have to sit in the doctor's office waiting to be seen, I decided to take the one who had been seen on Thursday to story time.

    The first available appointment was well before the start of story time, so we ran around like mad to get ready. I grabbed the first pair of socks in the drawer, which happened to be a set of my deadlift socks. Ok, whatever - I just folded them down and finished getting everything else ready. My boy and I were in the library, waiting for the start of story time, and I noticed we had a problem. The combination of antibiotics & lots of fluids meant we had an ass-plosion. Complete with leakage. At that exact moment, I realized that in my haste, I had forgotten a diaper bag. I took the little guy into the bathroom and cleaned him up, but without a fresh diaper - what could I do? It felt like the scene in Apollo 13, where they dump all the equipment onto the table and say "make this fit into this hole, using only these bits". I remembered that I had worn my deadlifting socks that day. I wrapped little man up in a whole bunch of paper towels and tied them around with my socks. Success!! We got through story time, and then my wife and other little guy showed up at the end (with the diaper bag).

    So yeah, soccer socks from the sporting goods isle work well for deadlifting. They also work as an emergency toddler diaper.

  4. #24
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    Sydney, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Cody View Post
    For the OP: Soccer socks in the sporting goods section of Wal-Mart are perfect deadlift socks. They're built much nicer than generic tube socks and only cost about $5 or so a pair.

    For everyone else: do you find yourself reading the earlier chapters when it's cold outside?
    I tend to go back to the early chapters after training. It's very embarrassing to finish a biog session, then get caught reading an early chapter, like some rookie, while in the changing rooms

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by mgilchrest View Post

    I was so happy when a kid got out of diapers. Since you have twins, you'll be 4x as happy as I was.
    yep. 3 kids out of nappies. Next was out of strollers and prams. looking forward to out of car seats (does the US have the same draconian laws about kids in child seats as we do?)

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by mgilchrest View Post
    The laws are a bit overdone, but I can't remember what they are right now. I think booster seat until 8 maybe?
    Booster until 8, though you are supposed to keep them in until they are 4'9" or until the seatbelt can be properly positioned.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by mgilchrest View Post
    The laws are a bit overdone, but I can't remember what they are right now. I think booster seat until 8 maybe?
    Quote Originally Posted by mkgillman View Post
    Booster until 8, though you are supposed to keep them in until they are 4'9" or until the seatbelt can be properly positioned.
    Wow, slightly worse than us. We have booster until 7. I've got 1 out so far, another out this year.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by mgilchrest View Post
    Yeah, I ignored that on the oldest.

    Booster seats are easy enough to deal with, I'm stoked be done with the damned car seats.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by mgilchrest View Post
    The laws are a bit overdone, but I can't remember what they are right now. I think booster seat until 8 maybe?
    Think booster is height / weight not age dependent

  10. #30
    cutlet# Guest


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by hollismb View Post
    I'm starting to think there's something else going on here, and you guys aren't really talking about reading.

    And now car seats, apparently

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